Faith Empowerment: Overcoming the Epidemic
of Student Demon Possession in Bohol

IN the serene landscapes of Bohol, a disconcerting phenomenon has taken root, shaking the very foundations of its educational institutions. In September, 200 students at the San Jose National High School (Talibon) and 12 students at the Alicia National High School were reportedly possessed by evil spirits. In October, two separate spiritual attacks victimized several students at the Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School and the Hinawanan National High School. At least 50 students at the Clarin National School of Fisheries were not spared on December 6. In most cases, students were brought to clinics or a hospital.

The surge in mass student demon possession incidents demands not just attention but a resolute response. As schools and the Department of Education (DepEd) grapple with uncertainty, it is imperative to recognize the urgency of a comprehensive strategy to safeguard our children’s well-being.

The Crossroads of Uncertainty

In this crucible of spiritual unrest, the lack of a clear stand from educational authorities has allowed a medley of opinions to influence decision-making. From attributing these occurrences to mass hysteria to acknowledging them as spiritual phenomena, leaders find themselves at a crossroads. Unfortunately, in this vacuum of guidance, students are left vulnerable, lacking the understanding to navigate these supernatural challenges while leaders remain indecisive in preventing further incidents.

The Urgency to Act: Safeguarding Our Future

The urgency to address this issue becomes starkly apparent when we consider that it directly impacts the very essence of our communities – our children. Drawing from my background as a former educator with some understanding about the healing and deliverance ministry, I advocate for a course of action rooted in faith. This journey involves learning from international evangelists who operate in the undisputable manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit and being a member of a non-sectarian full gospel church, positioning me uniquely to offer insights into combating these supernatural challenges.

Faith in Action: A Personal Encounter

Allow me to underscore the potency of faith in the face of malevolent forces through a personal encounter. During my tenure as a renter in Iloilo City, I found myself in a room shrouded in a haunted reputation of aswang where I actually heard sounds of a giant bird in the middle of a big city. The landlady told me I was the first one who lasted long in that room. I did not look for another room; instead, I confronted the entity in that place. Playing worship songs became my weapon, and invoking the power of Jesus’ name successfully dispelled any lingering spirit. This experience affirmed the efficacy of faith-based practices in confronting the supernatural.

The Comprehensive Strategy: Empowering Students with Faith

To effectively tackle the alarming epidemic of student demon possession in Bohol, a comprehensive strategy is non-negotiable. The DepEd and schools must actively embrace faith-based practices within their educational framework, fostering an environment where Bible studies, prayer sessions, and Christian praise and worship are not just permitted but actively encouraged.

Bible Studies: Building Spiritual Understanding

In a society where academic pursuits often overshadow spiritual considerations, integrating faith practices within the educational system may raise eyebrows. However, the gravity of the situation demands departure from conventional approaches. Students need more than academic knowledge; they need spiritual fortification to withstand supernatural assaults. The introduction of Bible studies into the mix of activities can provide students with a solid foundation in spiritual understanding and combat supernatural enemies.

This draws inspiration from 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which states, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Bible studies equip students with the tools to discern signs of demonic influence and empower them to command spirits to leave.

Prayer: A Powerful Shield

Prayer, as a powerful tool of spiritual warfare, should find a place within the daily routine of schools. Designated prayer times can create a collective shield against malevolent influences, fostering unity and shared purpose essential in combating pervasive issues like student demon possession. When students are filled with the Holy Spirit through prayer, they become stronger than any spiritual adversary. They not only repel dark forces but also gain the ability to command spirits to leave, ensuring they cannot be easily possessed.

Praise and Worship: The Potent Weapon

Praise and worship, a potent weapon in spiritual warfare, can transform educational environments. Encouraging students to engage in God-honoring musical expressions creates an atmosphere where God’s presence gives spiritual strength and divine protection. Psalm 149:6-9 eloquently captures the potency of praise and worship as a spiritual weapon, stating, “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.” Inviting God’s presence, schools can evict the darkness.

An Inclusive Approach: Non-Sectarian Unity

Concerns about religious diversity can be alleviated by adopting a non-sectarian approach. Schools should welcome practices that uplift Jesus and hold the Bible as a divinely inspired guide for teaching and training for righteousness. This inclusive strategy ensures that students of diverse beliefs find solace and protection in their own spiritual practices. Public schools ought to be non-sectarian because the taxpayers who benefit come from diverse backgrounds. The public sphere should never be a platform to promote a particular religious group.

The schools can make a deliberate move to ensure they include non-sectarian resource persons who have strong deliverance ministry. They can teach, among others, on how to avoid “doors of entry” leading to demonic oppression or possession. 

Conclusion: Uniting in Faith for Resilient Futures

In conclusion, the epidemic of student demon possession in Bohol demands a paradigm shift in our approach to education. The DepEd and schools must become proactive in incorporating faith-based practices into the educational framework. I hope governor Aris will encourage our schools to be proactive in dealing with this crisis. The time for decisive action is now, as we cannot afford to allow our educational institutions to remain passive spectators in the face of this supernatural onslaught. Let us unite in faith, creating an environment where our children can grow academically and spiritually resilient in the face of unseen adversaries. Faith empowerment is not just a strategy; it is a transformative force that ensures our students emerge victorious over the spiritual challenges that seek to undermine their well-being. (For queries, email