Was there really ‘Treasure hunt’ in Guindulman town?

The dug area for alleged treasure hunt with the on-going construction of municipal college in barangay Guio-ang, Guindulman town. (rvo)

THE report of a treasure hunt in Guindulman town still remains a mystery as of this writing.

According from a reliable source, the digging of alleged treasure hunt took place near the vicinity of the construction of municipal college at barangay Guio-ang.

What made the alleged digging suspicious was that the said excavation used the backhoe allegedly owned by the municipal government of the town.

The media tried to contact the mayor for comment or to verify the veracity of the digging and use of the heavy equipment, but to no avail.

The media visited the area where the alleged digging was consummated.

The dug area, about a few meters from the main school building and the office of the fiber agency, was already covered by earth materials from its original form.

It was but hard to determine whether the said area was excavated for treasure hunt as there was no trace of treasure clue.

The digging came into public after the water pipeline that traverse the area of the digging were accidentally disconnected but it was reconnected after the digging, according to the source.

There have been attempts for treasure hunting, like the alleged treasure hunt in Malinao, Pilar town, where the huge irrigation dam was built and Bohol Agricultural Promotions center (APC) now being used by the city government.

But until today nobody could confirm that indeed these treasure diggings, either of Yamashita gold buried here, are either true or a hoax. (rvo)