In Celebration of the National Arts Month

I AM blessed to have availed a solo exhibit grant from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) being presented this national arts month at the NCCA Gallery in Intramuros, Manila. This is a yearly program applied for by artists—from the less established to the most popular. Included in this grant are the logistics, airfare, curator, photographer/videographer, and one day accommodation to the Bayview Hotel. 

My show, entitled “Transforming Painting Into Stringed Metaphor”, is the unfolding of my new artistic vision incorporating string art with acrylic painting. My subjects – rendered in a brilliant palette – revolve around my encounters with Bohol, Iloilo, dreams, and nostalgia.

Last February 15, the NCCA sponsored the artist reception with a ribbon cutting and a short program. It was a memorable event to celebrate my major entry to the national art scene.

I am amazed by God’s grace, giving me a milestone in my art career.


Bohol is home to a vibrant and diverse cultural heritage. With its stunning natural beauty, rich history, and unique artistic traditions, Bohol is an ideal place to promote and support the arts.

Promoting art in Bohol has numerous benefits, both for the community and the individuals involved. Here are just a few of the ways that supporting the arts can make a positive impact:

Economic development: The arts can be a powerful economic driver, creating jobs and generating revenue for the local community. By promoting and supporting local artists and cultural events, Bohol can attract tourists and visitors who are interested in experiencing the province’s unique culture and artistic traditions. This, in turn, can create opportunities for local businesses and help to boost the local economy.

Cultural preservation: Bohol is home to a rich and diverse cultural heritage, including traditional music, dance, and visual arts. By promoting and supporting local artists, the community can help to preserve and celebrate these traditions, passing them on to future generations. This can help to keep Bohol’s unique cultural identity alive, even as the world around it continues to change.

Personal development: Participating in the arts can have numerous benefits for individuals, including increased creativity, self-expression, and self-confidence. By promoting and supporting the arts in Bohol, the community can provide opportunities for people to develop their artistic skills and pursue their passions. This can be particularly important for young people, who may not have access to formal arts education or training.

Community building: The arts can bring people together, fostering a sense of community and belonging. By promoting and supporting cultural events and activities, Bohol can create opportunities for people to come together, share their experiences, and celebrate their shared heritage. This can help to build stronger, more resilient communities, where people feel connected and supported.

Environmental awareness: Many artists in Bohol draw inspiration from the province’s stunning natural beauty, creating works that celebrate and raise awareness of the environment. By promoting and supporting these artists, the community can help to raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage people to take action to protect the natural world.

In conclusion, promoting art in Bohol can have numerous benefits, both for the community and the individuals involved. By supporting local artists and cultural events, Bohol can help to create economic opportunities, preserve its cultural heritage, foster personal development, build stronger communities, and raise awareness of environmental issues. Whether through music, dance, visual arts, or other forms of creative expression, the arts have the power to enrich our lives and make our communities stronger and more vibrant.