Make Peace, Not War; Spread Love, Not Hatred

ALBERT Einstein once said, “Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.” The said statement of Albert Einstein is absolutely true and correct. Peace can be attained only through understanding and not by having conflict, misunderstanding and force. It is really impossible to achieve peace if there is the presence of war, conflicts and the like. But, if it is the other way around that there is love and understanding, peace will surely be achieved.

There are many definitions of peace, but all of them are rooted in notions of individual’s flourishing, cooperation, mutual respect and justice. According to Oxford English Dictionary, peace means the freedom from civil unrest or disorder, quarrels or dissension between individuals or nations, external disturbance, interference, perturbation, absence of war or hostilities, absence of noise and the condition or state of a community or nation which it is not at war with another (, February 26, 2022).

Peace which is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence, is very important. It is simply because if peace is present, for sure everything is in order. There will be the absence of war, conflicts and misunderstanding among individuals or among nations. Humans live a peaceful life.  They can do their daily activities with no fear and hesitations.  They can experience genuine friendship and happiness and they can even sleep well at night with the feeling of security.

If there is peace, economies of each and every nation improve a lot and nations will become highly developed. This is because local and foreign businesses invest their money in different nations. They invest their business in different nations making the citizens of that particular nation employed or have a stable job. Thus, resulting to a nice economic status of the nation. So, peace is definitely important.

If ever conflicts or misunderstandings arise between individuals or nations, it is right and proper that these individuals or nations should sit together, discuss and solve the problem together. In this scenario, peace can surely be attained and conflict or war cannot take place. If there is a problem, it has a corresponding solution. Every conflict can be peacefully solved if both parties talk with each other with love and respect. Everything must be done in a peaceful manner so that nobody suffers or dies.

Having war between or among nations is not really beneficial at all. It is definitely making everyone or every nation suffers a lot. Many individuals will die and many buildings and infrastructures will be damaged if war arises. Children and the innocent ones will definitely suffer.  They will be mentally and emotionally stressed and maybe their future will be destroyed because of the war.

Just like what is presently happening between Russia and Ukraine.  The war between these two nations is definitely affecting their own citizens, especially the elderlies, women, children and the innocent ones. Their economies are not also exempted. For sure, the war between them greatly affects their economies. Many of their properties and other infrastructures will be damaged intensely because of the exchanges of bullets and bombs. In other words, pain and suffering will definitely reign among the people of these two nations.

The present war between Russia and Ukraine cannot only affect the two nations. It can also affect other nations in one way or another. The prices of some basic commodities, including gasoline will rise. The economies of the different nations will suffer or will be affected too. If the scenario gets worse, other nations will be part of the war which may trigger a bigger war. Hopefully, it will not happen because if it happens, every nation across the globe will be affected and people will suffer intensely.

Let us fervently pray to God Almighty that everything will be fine and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will now come to end. Remember, God is good to us and this is not what God wants to happen among His creations.

Prayer can definitely stop the war and can definitely make peace reign supreme among mankind. Let us settle or solve any conflict peacefully. If we are doing this, the whole world will be fine, peaceful and worth living.

Let us make peace and love reign in everyone and in the entire world for us to be safe and secured. Let us make peace, not war; spread love, not hatred for the safety of one and all.