Then, ODETTE came.

THE ending week of the second quarter of 2021 is a period in Short Cuts’ life that started an event that can never be forgotten in his life.

For an ailment that was not experienced since his birth more than eighty years ago, Short Cuts was admitted in a hospital in the city on June 29 last year.

And, he had to stay at the hospital for a period short only of four days in the month of July!

It was Short Cuts’ longest stay ever in a hospital!

And despite this number of days in the hospital, that was the first time also that he stayed in a hospital for such a long period in the absence of his wife. Because, even for a day or two previous confinement in a hospital, Short Cuts was always accompanied by his wife.

However, these could be explained.


His better half was also suffering an ailment for almost two years already!

And, to his surprise the last words uttered by Short Cuts’ attending physician when he was finally dispatched from the hospital was: “Attorney, if you want to live for some more years, defer your political plans for the 2022 elections”.

“And, who would ever wish to die?,” was Short Cuts unspoken words as his answer.

Therefore, Short Cuts had to cut his ambition in joining activities in the 2022 “World of Uncertainties”. He correspondingly informed his loving wife upon arrival at his residence from the hospital of his total departure from the political arena.   

More than that, Short Cuts had to recuperate. For almost two months after his hospital rendezvous, he had to temporarily suspend his usual and almost daily visits to his farms at Carmen and Valencia. He had to be tightly confined in his city residence and to be with his family.

It was in the last week of the third quarter of the year that Short Cuts began to feel the freshness of life. To him, it was a new life.

Setting aside politics and its corresponding wonders, Short Cuts began to confine his daily activities to family and school matters. It was a period full of fulfillment and joy. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Short Cuts’ company was limited to his wife in their residential home.

As if Atty. Dionisio D. Balite was newly married to the then Miss Lilia Ancog!  

Not until . . . . . . 

The first month of the last quarter of 2021. To be exact, it was on October 10, 2021.

That was the last day that Short Cuts saw his loving partner after six decades of their married life. With a failing health for almost two years, she requested Short Cuts for her confinement at a hospital in the city. She left our residence on a wheel chair with our daughter-in-law.

And, considering that Short Cuts was still recovering from his illness on that particular time, she proceeded to the hospital with Short Cuts’ absence. However, she was accompanied by one of our daughters-in-law in the afternoon of that same day.

With a failing mode of conversation as a result of her almost two years of illness and coupled by Short Cuts’ hearing inability because of age, our communication was very limited. The only audible words that Short Cuts could hear was: “Ayaw kalimti ang imong mga tambal”.

Even on the last few days of her life, she was reminding her husband of his medicines!

And, the last news that Short Cuts received was in the afternoon of October 14. He was awakened by his eldest grandson at exactly 2:30. “Wa-a na diha si Mamalo” (referring to Short Cuts’ beloved wife). Stunned and speechless, Short Cuts had to shed tears after hearing the bad news.

The information became WORST upon knowing that she has to be buried on that same day – October 14.

“Gisawo ug COVID ang iyang sakit”, the attending physician said.

Short Cuts was out of his mindset. He never knew of the things to be done considering the limited number of hours for the interment. His sons and daughters and in-laws were just too willing to take over the role.

Indeed from the hospital, the corpse was not allowed to be brought to the residence.

It has to pass by only!

The coffin was not even opened for the family’s last glimpse of the matriarch.    

Not even to Short Cuts.

With that striking and memorable event in Short Cuts’ life, he opted to forego writing his column for months.

Then, ODETTE came.

The printing machine for The Bohol Times was totally destroyed because of the heavy rains and strong winds. That caused the failure of issues on this weekly newspaper for so many weeks.   

Now, The Bohol Times has come again! With renewed zeal and enthusiasm, the editorial staff of this paper is once again committed to be true to their pledge of a true and genuine reporting of events happening in the province and country. Therefore, to our valued readers and clients, Welcome!