“Removal of spaghetti wires”

ONE of the favorite pastimes in Dumaguete City is riding a motorcycle, in fact there are so many motorcycles for rent and it’s a breeze to secure one.
And it’s cheap. For 500 pesos, you can already enjoy 1 whole day of using a motorcycle, usually the scooter type or the automatic. There are also other types but the automatic types are the most common bikes in the city.
As an aside, I suppose Dumaguete has one of the highest number of motorcycle-riders in the region.
It is normal to see women in uniform on weekdays riding their way to office or to their place of work.
And there is one common denominator.
Motorcycle-riders in that city are all wearing helmets.

Now let’s talk about helmets.
Included in the 500-per day package is a helmet for the driver. If there is a rider, then that means another 50 pesos for the extra helmet.
And what helmet is provided?
Well, this is funny.
Because the helmet they provide are the ordinary helmet that does not qualify as a safety helmet.
It’s just a rounded plastic with straps, just enough to fit you head with the strap to ensure it does not fall down.

The operator of the motorbikes for hire warned me that I should use my helmet every time I operate the motorcycle.
Strikto ra ba na sila Sir.
Buyno, kon wa kay helmet, multahan ra man hinuon ka unya ikaw mobayad, dili kami, he added for emphasis.
And true enough, he was talking straight.
When I went my way to the gas station for a refill, and without my helmet, I was right away warned by a traffic enforcer who was stationed near the gas station.
After checking that I was just there for a quick refill, and I had with me my helmet though not worn yet, he walked off and said enjoy and be careful.

So okay, they are strict in enforcing the helmet law.
That’s good.
But what kind of helmet?
And what is the purpose of wearing the helmet, for compliance to the city ordinance only or for safety of the rider?
Because if we talk of safety to the rider, there is absolutely no guaranty that the kind of helmet they are regularly using would protect the rider’s head from injury.
Because I’m pretty sure that when subjected to pressure or strong impact like during a vehicular accident, the helmet would break and there is even a possibility that the splinter would pierce through the head of the rider.
To be safe, the helmet must be able to prevent or minimize injuries to the head and brain, or protect against falling objects or debris, impact with other objects, electric shock and rain.
If the helmet is unable to do those things, then it is not a safe helmet for use.
And if city authorities do not discriminate the kind of helmet to be prescribed to motorcycle riders, then it is clear that the wearing of helmet is only good for compliance to the ordinance but not for rider’s safety.

Am sure this observation is shared by many.
And I know that Dumagueteños are smart, independent-minded and strong-willed.
One point in issue.
In the last election, one hot issue tackled in the city was about the reclamation project.
As usual, there were pros and cons, proponents versus oppositors.
To make the story short, the project was pushed through despite the objections. But the Dumagueteños took it to heart and they walked the talk.
They junked those who pushed for the reclamation project.
Ang resulta – napildi tanan ang mga proponents nga mga kandidato, except the city mayor.

Meanwhile, I noticed that the city government of Cebu and Mandaue are cleaning up the spaghetti wires along the road. These are the wires from electric and telecom companies that share the same posts.
They are called spaghetti wires because they are like spaghetti, nagkagubot lang.
There are many workers involved. They removed the unused and broken wires, and bound the useful or working wires into one thick conglomeration of wires and cables.
Hinlo nang tan-awon unya dili na delikado sa kadalanan.
They gathered the removed wires and cables and donated them to the farmers for their farming needs.
This is also done in Bacolod City.
Question – can we expect the same action or move from the city government of Tagbilaran?

A politician recently shared some tsismis.
Mag-tandem kuno si Chatto ug si Arcamo para sa top positions in the province in the next election.
Aw nindot pod na.
Anybody has a right to run for any position of choice.
Ma husto o ma dili, ang tanang kalihokan sa kampanya mahibaw-an inig ihap nas balota.
Kon nagtuo ang mga tawo nga mas maayo nga gobernor si Chatto, then good for them. Kon nagtuo pod sila nga mas maayo nga bise gobernador si Arcamo, good for them too.
Bottomline, palamiay og serbisyo ni, plus kwarta pod.