Becoming New Again

IT is but fitting to talk about being re-born as we celebrate Easter Sunday, for the resurrection of Jesus Christ means revival – the restoration of life.

An adage says that “to live is to suffer;  and it is through our sufferings that we find meaning of our existence, of what life is”.  Most of us admit trials but few seldom admit errors. If we don’t correct our mistakes, we get stuck to it and become a vicious cycle – recycling the drama, making and hurting all over again.

Through His death, we are given the chance to repent our sins, ask forgiveness and start anew.  It is through the process of giving and surrendering ourselves that we become more.  It is in dying that we will be resurrected. We need to be empty to be full again.

God is not in the business of applauding our failures; but of introducing to new beginnings.  His method of doing this is to bring healing and wholeness into our lives through struggle and growth.  Though time is a healer and causes us to forget; but it is through seeking forgiveness that the bad, hurt and pains are forgotten; and goodness will prevail.

Letting go of old things means replacing them with new things – new beginnings. We can only live in the present if we let go of the past.  By becoming new, we must assume responsibility for our future. And it’s entirely up to us to make or live in it.

Creating new experiences in living will help us become an adventurer in the present rather than a tenant of the past.  We live with our humanity; and that humanity causes us to make mistakes.  But we must take risks and learn from our failures.

Life begets life.  It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich, live in abundant life; for it is only in giving that we truly receive.  Some of the most fulfilling things we can do are those which we give of ourselves to meet the needs of others. Each of us has the opportunity to answer every man’s prayer.

Men give their lives for what they believe.  One life is all what we have; and we live it as we believe in living it and then it’s gone. To surrender what we are and to live without believing is more terrible than dying. So we can live a new life, a new beginning.

Decide for yourself, to let go and build new ones; understanding that this is new and a growing experience for you.  Take control of your own life and focus on pursuing a better life for yourself.  Nurture them, build them and lean on them when you need to.  Do not be afraid to journey the less travelled road.  We must become the change we seek.

Be renewed.  You can do it!

Happy Easter!!!