IF made to choose, which is your choice in life, success or failure?
It is believed that as a human being, everyone is a dreamer. He dreams for a bright future. He wants to be a successful individual. He does not dream of a dismal and fatalistic life.
That is if you are normal. Otherwise, he has no other choice but go the dogs.
This is one of the major reasons why parents desire their children to be educated. They want them to study for them to become professionals in the future. They want them to be prepared for the uncertain days in their lives.
However, to graduate in the secondary education course is believed to be very inadequate as a preparation for life.
College education, however, is believed to be the best item to be considered. One has to be a degree holder if only to be prepared for a very competitive future.
And in attaining such dream for college education, he must always be guided by the saying, “Poverty is never a hindrance to success”. So that even if one belongs to the poorest poor in society, he must never surrender. Instead, he must utilize poverty as his ladder for success.
“Go college, go college must be one’s BATTLE CRY.
But in pursuing such ambition, do not forget these words of wisdom – “Enroll in a degree program that has INTERNSHIP as one of the subject offerings required for graduation”.
This is the subject that reveals the “ins and outs” of a future employment. Because after the internship engagement, one has already gained experience in the course. In some instances, he will be automatically taken in as an employee of the corporation.
In the case of BIT International College, Internship is one of the subject offerings in almost all its degree programs. And, most of these interns are taking the course in big and outstanding corporations in Japan.
By next week, BIT International College is privileged to send the fourth (4th) batch of interns to Japan. Composed of ten (10) College of Engineering and College of Agriculture students, they will do their Internship Program at the Ogino Group of Companies located at Tanba Hyogo Prefecture in Japan.
This Internship Program began four years ago with BIT IC and the Ogino Group of Companies as partners.
Mr. Norio Ogino is the Chairman and Founder of the Ogino Group of Companies.
In recent years and after suffering from a declining population and aging problem, Japan needed more young workers to boost its productivity. Young and educated population in the country do not like to have children.
These are the factors that led to the partnership.