“PAGLAMBO pinaagi sa Pagtinabangay ug Panaghiusa”, runs the theme of the Year 21 Tabo sa BIT IC.

This is a  yearly activity since 2003 at BIT International College.

The program was designed by the school administration if only to side step from the main objective of college education  – that of  obtaining education thru a purely classroom activitiy –  to the revival at the same time of culure and arts in the province.

And to Short Cuts, this must begin at BIT International College.

Why the Tabo sa BIT and what does this activity really mean?

This must be explained the way Short Cuts understood the term TABO during his childhood days when he was only a grade schooler in  his hometown, Valencia.

And this goes this way . . . . . The term Tabo means “to meet” at a market place. This meeting usually takes place only once a week and on a market day of the town. In the case of LGU Valencia, the TABO happens on a Sunday.

Being a market day – Sunday – people from all walks of life and coming from almost all barangays in the town troop to the market place of the town.               

The main purpose?

Either to sell their produce or to purchase goods for a one week family consumption.

And in the course of the transactions with so many people inside, the market place becomes not only crowdy. In most cases, barangay folks intermingle among themselves and share with their respective family experiences.

And, this is where arts and culture were unexpecedly established in a TABO in the early 50s until the year 2000 when almost all barangays in the town had already established stores with adequate goods for sale. As a consequence, barangay residents need no longer go for a TABO at a market place in the poblacion.

So that in order for the young generation of today learns the arts and culture practised by their forefathers, the BIT International College school administration made it a point to sponsor this yearly TABO sa  BIT activity.    

It is the thinking of the school administration that TABO sa BIT is the time for everyone to celebrate the glory of our culture’ s past, present, and future.