Loboc Mayor debunks questioning flood control

MAYOR Raymond Jala has strongly refuted the allegation that he questioned the multi-billion-peso flood control project at Loboc river banks implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH III).

“Wa jud mahitabo ni-question ‘ta sa project,” Mayor Jala told media interview.  (It didn’t happen we question the project).

The mayor’s statement was an angst reaction to Tagbilaran Baywatch who allegedly reported to a newspaper that he questioned the said project.

He admitted having a talk with Tagbilaran Baywatch represented by Atty. Gertrude Biliran days prior to publication of what they had talked about.

But when the news came out it turned out that it was not the way he expected it, he said, prompting him to call for a press conference at his office.

He bared that no one of the seven barangays where the project traversed complained about the riprapping project.

In fact, he said, the officials of barangay Valladolid led by their chieftain Pedro Acuna came to his office and asked him when the project implementation will start in their place as their barangay road is already at the riverbanks.

The mayor said that roads of barangays Ugpong and Canlasig have already collapsed due to the erosion of the riverbanks. These need attention and prevention so barangay folks would not worry where to pass to the town proper.

Other barangays where the said project is being implemented include Agape, Gotozon, Jimilian, and Bagumbayan aside from the three mentioned earlier.

The mayor said that he welcomes the said project which cost some P1.2 billion when it was bid out, saying the project is to mainly prevent riverbanks from collapsing and mitigate erosion.

The mayor said he’s very much concerned on the safety of the barangay folks that’s why he welcomes the said project. In a visit of the areas in barangay Jimilian and Bagumbayan riprapping is on-going. (ricobedencio@yahoo,com)