GO, VGO launch medical/dental,
educational mission in Pres. CPG

VGO thru Atty. Anino turned over the free books to Pres. Carlos P. Garcia thru Mayor Fernando Estavilla and officials. (contributed)

THE Offices of the Governor and Vice-Governor launched the medical/dental and educational care mission to the island town of President Carlos P. Garcia, formerly Pitogo, northeastern part of the province.

The mission was prompted for the need of the town following the directive of Gov. Aris Aumentado and Vice-Gov. Victor Balite though they’re no present during the event for the conflict of schedule.

It is educational care since the said agencies turned over of books for the students thru the VGO’s Libro 3 “Go Beyond” mantra, according to VG chief of staff Atty. Glen Anino, who personally led the mission.

The VGO’s Special Projects Unit thru Engr. Inting Loquellano and Book Mobile service collaborated with IPI foundation, Inc. and the governor’s office Medical Outreach unit (MOU) for the conduct the Medical and Dental Mission.

Vice-Governor’s Office also coordinated with IPI Foundation Inc, then identified Pres. CPG as the beneficiary thru the able assistance of the Provincial Library & Asia Foundation for books distribution to all school campuses.

Aside from the books, the mission also distributed toothbrush, toothpaste and body soap for the pupils and students.

Free medicines were also given to the townsfolk, particularly the senior citizens.

Pres. CPG Mayor Fernando Estavilla led his officials in welcoming the medical mission with a short program.

The mayor thanked the governor and vice-governor for the goodies that benefit his constituents.

President Carlos P. Garcia is to celebrate its annual town fiesta in honor of St. Nino this January 2024. (ricobeencio@yahoo.com)