If Discouraged, Visual Artists Should Read This

ART is an expression of one’s emotions, thoughts, and ideas through different mediums. However, not all visual artists are appreciated in their environment, especially in Bohol where art is still in its nascent stage. The lack of support and recognition can be disheartening and may lead to a loss of motivation. But, it is crucial for visual artists from non-appreciative environments to persevere despite difficulties. Ponder on these:

First, perseverance is essential for an artist’s growth. It takes years of practice and hard work to perfect one’s craft. Consistent effort and dedication are required to improve one’s skills, and this cannot be achieved without perseverance. Moreover, perseverance builds resilience and helps artists overcome obstacles, making them better equipped to face challenges in the future.

Our very own national artist, Napoleon Abueva, understood what I mean. After his parents died in the hands of the Japanese during World War 2, he pursued his dream working as a bread seller and student assistant at UP. He even angered his mentor in UP because his style deviates the norm during his time. Yet, he later became the youngest National Artist Awardee at age 40.

Second, artists from non-appreciative environments can draw inspiration from their surroundings. Often, artists who come from impoverished or marginalized communities find inspiration in their everyday life experiences. They turn their struggles into art and convey their message through their work. By persevering, they can create a platform for themselves and gain recognition for their art, which may inspire others in similar circumstances.

Third, perseverance can lead to exposure and opportunities. In today’s digital age, social media platforms provide a vast network for artists to showcase their work. By persistently sharing their art on various platforms, artists can gain a following and create a brand for themselves. This can lead to opportunities to exhibit their work, collaborate with other artists, and potentially earn a living from their art.

Finally, the art world is constantly evolving, and there is always a demand for unique and original artwork. Artists from non-appreciative environments often have a fresh perspective on life and art, which can be a valuable asset. By persevering and continuing to create, they may eventually find an audience that appreciates their work, which can lead to greater success in the future.

Visual artists from non-appreciative environments should persevere despite difficulties. Perseverance builds resilience, draws inspiration from surroundings, creates exposure and opportunities, and allows artists to make a mark in the constantly evolving art world. By persistently working towards their goals, artists can eventually gain recognition and create a legacy for themselves, inspiring others in the process.