Character Matters

THE dictionary defines the word character as the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves. It is someone’s personality. It is the features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. It is also one’s trait or characteristic. The moral or ethical quality of an individual. It is the particular combination of qualities in a person that makes them different from others.

The word character comes from the Greek word, meaning “to make a mark”. Your character is your mark on the world. A character can be defined as the sum of one’s characteristics. Without good character, you cannot be trusted and if you cannot be trusted, you cannot lead ( The Importance of Good Character).

A good character helps you develop a winning personality. In other words, a good character is the backbone of a magnetic personality that attracts other people. One needs to be honest at work. You need to develop a sense of loyalty and attachment towards your organization ( Importance of Character in Personality).

Good character is important for success in your life because it determines how well you can achieve your goals, whether others want to deal with you, and how well you fit in your groups. When you work hard and are determined to achieve your goals, you can become more successful and confident in what you do (Good Character is Important for Success in Life).

Wherever we are and whatever time it is, we must do what is right. Let us do what is the right thing that we must do. Let us do right to others so that we will have a good relationship with others and so that others will also be encouraged to do the right things that we are doing. As a result, our community, our country, or our world will become a better place to live in. the world will become a happier and a peaceful place to live in since everyone is doing good to others.

If we are doing good, it will also make us feel better. It is simply because if we do good to others, our brain’s pleasure centers light up and is releasing endorphins and is producing this high. If we feel better, it will make us happy and will make us in a good mood all the time. In other words, doing good to others cannot only make our relationships with others to become better, but it can also give us some good benefits to ourselves, even to our mental and emotional health and well-being. So, let us do good to others.

At home, character matters. If all the family members are doing good, it will surely result in a happy, harmonious, and peaceful living. In school, if a student is doing good in his or her studies and he or she is possessing good character traits as a student, for sure he or she will finish his or her studies with flying colors and become a successful individual in the future. In the workplace, if workers are also doing good, it will also result in something good. Workers will have a good and harmonious relationship with others and their work will become harmonious and peaceful. In the community, if everyone is doing good and is showing good characteristics to others, the community will become peaceful and progressive. So, wherever we are, showing good character traits or personality is a must. In other words, character matters a lot.

An individual showing good character traits is worthy to be emulated by others. It is simply because that certain individual is doing good or showing good characteristics to others. If everybody is doing what that person is doing, definitely it will be resulting in something good for everybody. Let us all do well to others since it is beneficial to one and all. Everyone must do well because it can give good effects on all of us.

Let us be good with what we are doing, let us be good to others, let us follow all rules and regulations, and let us not do something which is not good. These are just some of the ways that we can do to show goodness to others. Let us all remember that character matters.