The price of honesty

I WAS reading a national daily two days ago and came across the story of a police officer who returned a misplaced wallet of a former member of the Philippine Marines. The wallet contained several IDs and 3,000 in cash.

According to the report, the wallet was found at past 7 in the morning and was returned to its rightful owner sometime past 9 on the same day. In a statement, the PNP was quoted as saying, “This simple act of honesty displays the high respect of law enforcers to other members of the uniformed service.”

While I was reading that news story, I thought that the officer who found the wallet must have so much self-discipline in himself and is really an honest man to be able to return the wallet.

I’m saying this because in this age and time when there’s too much hardship and poverty and so many people are hungry, 3,000 cash is a lot of money. Yet, the police officer chose to be honest even when he knows that the cash he found can mean more than just food on the table.

Does honesty pay?

Regrettably, early in our life, we’re taught (by the things we see around us) that dishonesty can have “incredible benefits.” Many times, it can get us out of trouble (like politicians). It can get us what we want (again, like politicians). It can make it easier to please the people around us (Oh no, not again, but yes, just like politicians). And all of us develop the habit (to varying degrees.). And to answer the question – NO, many times, honesty does not pay.

Why? Because living an honest life takes effort – especially at the beginning. It demands a decision to pursue it and many action steps to get it started. However, once it begins to gain momentum in our lives and we begin to realize its many benefits, honesty will become easier and easier. And it eventually pays. Huge.

Why do we need to be honest?

While being honest takes a lot of effort, it is the better road to take. Why?

Leads to authenticity – If we want to be seen as someone who knows what we are talking about, we’ll only be able to build this genuineness if we are who we truly claim to be.

Easier – Telling a lie may be easy, but keeping track of it is difficult. Instead, being honest and keeping track of the truth is much easier.

Emotional maturity – Being honest all of the time won’t be easy, but it’ll show a type of maturity that not everyone has.

Gain others’ trust – If we are truthful in everything we do, others will know that they can rely on us for honest input and communication and for everything else.

Wards off trouble – If we want to stay out of trouble and avoid the drama that comes with it, then being honest will help us to do that.

More people are happy – It’s always good to pay it forward and develop good karma. That’s much easier to do with honesty than it is to do with not being true or faithful.

People are always doubtful – If we are a liar once and people find out about it, they will question us for the rest of our life as to whether or not we have been honest.

Relationships – Whether it’s a close friend or a lifelong partner, our ability to be honest in a relationship may have big implications on how strong of a bond we have built with that person.

Easier to keep track of – It can be difficult to keep track of a web of lies and deceit. However, it’ll be much easier for us to recall memories from recollection if they are true.

Feel better – We’ll be surrounded with white light and positive vibes that make us feel better if we are honest with others and with ourselves.

Eliminates emotional baggage – It can be heavy carrying around loads of emotional baggage that comes from lying, which is why it’s easier to be truthful and honest.

Attract other honest people – We are likely going to attract the type of people that we are most like. Honesty attracts other honest individuals.

Clarity – Dishonesty comes with a lot of confusion and misperception, which can be clarified through honesty.

Prepare us spiritually

Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way. When we are honest, we build the strength of character that will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We are blessed with peace of mind and self-respect and will be trusted by the Lord and others. Honesty, therefore, is not just the best policy; it is the only policy.

QUESTION: Are we prepared to pay the price of honesty?