TODAY, December 25, is the last Sunday of the year. This also marks the birthdate of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
And, this day is Christmas Day!
This is a celebration of joy where the Harbrace College Handbook on English Grammar’s degree of comparison can be considered out of tune. It can never be applied. For such degree of comparison becomes beyond compare. It is incomparable and unrivaled.
For who can ever say that one’s birthday is happier and more joyous to that of Jesus Christ’s birthday?
Jesus Christ’s birthday is indeed beyond compare!
It is a fact that almost everyone had sung birthday songs during birthday celebrations of friends. Even as a birthday celebrant himself, he, in most cases also joins the singing.
But this query can be asked: Even if the birthday celebrant himself joins the singing, is his feelings of joy, happiness and contentment comparable when he sings Christmas songs in celebration of Jesus Christ’s natal day?
To Short Cuts, definitely not.
Try it, if ever you have not yet experienced.
And Short Cuts’ stand on the issue can be justified and proven to be true!
To Short Cuts, there is that very unusual feeling, deep inside, which cannot be explained.
It is also beyond explanation!
Truly, the singing of the Christmas songs in celebrating His birth is more enjoying and fulfilling.
But, try singing – even just humming – Christmas songs during the summer months of April and May. Then and there, you will easily earn a new brand of a name.
The new applicable name?
Nabu-ang na!
So, as we rejoice the birth of our Savior this year, we must “celebrate it with hope”.
Bury the past and welcome the coming days with hope.
Even if your past was filled, to its brim, with success and shining stories, just the same bury it and be strong enough to face the future.
But, on the other hand, if your past was filled with negatives – with so many failures in life – with more reasons that you must be ready to face the future with renewed faith and vigor.
Generally speaking, in the celebration of Christmas with hope, it must be remembered by everyone that continued faith in Him and prayers should be the built-in values expected in a person.
Absence of which is a no-guaranty atmosphere for a better life in the future.
To one and all, can we “celebrate Christmas with hope”?