. . . . an affair to remember.

The two ending days of last week – Thursday and Friday – were very memorable to Short Cuts.
He attended two big events in his hometown. The first occasion was a barangay affair at Barangay Marawis. The other was one of the events of LGU Valencia in its one-week Foundation Day celebration.

Although only a barangay affair, the first celebration was filled with heart-breaking memories that engulfed Short Cuts’ feelings.

This can be explained. . . .

Barangay Marawis was then only a sitio of Barangay Omjon, the farthest barangay of the town leading to LGU Carmen.

Short Cuts assumed office as the newly-elected town executive of Valencia in January of 1972.

But three (3) months prior to Short Cuts’ assumption to office – that is October 20, 1971 – sitio Marawis was declared a full-fledged barangay during the incumbency of former and the then late Mayor Reinerio S. Namocatcat.

Then, Marawis became the 34th barangay of the town.

And during the first fiesta of the barangay on May 13, 1972, Short Cuts had to attend the affair. He had to be present more specifically the usual benefit dance that is usually held on vesper days of barangay fiestas.

It was on that specific occasion that Short Cuts was able to identify the awkwardness the affair was conducted by the barangay officials. They seem to be clumsy in handling the affair. They were too inexperienced – to put it straight.

Last Thursday (October 20) however, was a total departure of what Short Cuts witnessed In May of 1972.

All the presentations during the program were well-organized. Speeches even from barangay officials were already straight to the point.

Even the listening pubic seemed to have improved their culture. They were already observant of points clearly discussed by the different speakers.

To Short Cuts’ observation, everybody has greatly improved!

What about the October 21 (Friday) affair?

It was an event which was part of the one-week celebration of the birth of LGU Valencia.

Under the theme “Older Persons: Resilient for Nation Building”, the event was sponsored by the Senior Citizen of the town.

The October 21 presentation was more refreshing to Short Cuts’ memories. It enlivens once again Short Cuts’ almost ten years of leadership in the town.


In the first place, Short Cuts is not a member of the Senior Citizens group in LGU Valencia. He is, however, a duly registered member at LGU Carmen.


Short Cuts’ political opponents at that time were hell-bent on blocking his registration in the group. They were telling Short Cuts’ barangay mates that “because he (Short Cuts) is not living in his barangay, he is not qualified to be registered as such”.

That made Short Cuts and his partner aliens in their own barangay. And because the partners have a school at LGU Carmen, they were admitted, upon application, as members the Senior Citizen’s group at Carmen, Bohol.

Secondly, when Short Cuts was still serving as the town executive of Valencia, the Senior Citizen’s Group was not yet organized by the national government. But despite the absence of such a group, all the Senior Citizens of the town were already recognized by Short Cuts’ administration.


They were made participants in the one-week nightly activities of the fiesta of the town. They were contesting in Vocal Solo, Kuradang, Kuratsa and Balak.

The Friday (October 21) event that Short Cuts attended was indeed an affair to remember!