Youth Empowerment and Its Importance

YOUTH empowerment is the process of involving the youth and the young population in the decision-making of a community. The realization that the youth has a voice that a community should listen to; also presents an avenue through which they can make their voices heard and recognize the power that they have. Youth empowerment is characterized by efforts that help them be involved, whether in their education, community programs, and support services. We can also show youth empowerment by enhancing and strengthening their capabilities and role in the youth sector. There is this innate power within them that is capable of making this world a much better place, and through youth empowerment, we recognize this power and strengthen it more. We ignite the flame of their power towards the development of our society through youth empowerment (Childhope Philippines, on the Importance of Tapping the Youth’s Potential to Empower our Future, October 12, 2022).

Empowering the youth is allowing the youth to be able to participate in the different activities in the community where they are living. It is giving the youth a chance to be able to express their voice about their stand on the different activities, issues, and concerns of the community. It is giving them the chance to take part in all of the activities of the community. It is also giving them the chance to involve themselves in the process of decision-making with the help and guidance of the adults and leaders of the community where they live. It is involving all of the youth in the community in all the government programs of the community which is also giving them the chance to develop their full potential.

Youth empowerment is really important because it is giving them an avenue to develop their God-given talents and skills to the highest potential. If their talents and skills will be developed, it can help them a lot, especially in facing the real world which is full of challenges or problems. If the youth are empowered, they can know how to stand on their own feet and they can decide what is the best thing that they will do in every challenge or problem that may come their way. Their decision-making skill will be developed when they are empowered. It is simply because they are involved in all the activities in the community and also in the decision-making.

According to Childhope Philippines, on the Importance of Tapping the Youth’s Potential to Empower our Future (October 12, 2022), empowering the youth is important because we need to give them the push they need to take control of their future. We need to equip them with the right tools to make better decisions for their future. Another reason is that this will help them cultivate their skills and discover their potential which will be beneficial to their personal and professional development. If they were able to unleash their best qualities, they have better chances of a better future.

The statement of Childhope Philippines is very true and correct. We- adults, government officials, and other people around us need to help, support and guide our youth today so that they can develop themselves to the fullest to be properly equipped with all the necessary things that they need in facing their future and in facing the real world. We need to make this certain push to our youths for them to be ignited in doing what is best for themselves and their future. We need to develop their talents and skills to the fullest since this is also helping them a lot. We need to teach them all the good things that they need to know so that they can have a better future ahead of them.

We can empower youth in many different ways. We can provide them with some pieces of training that will develop them holistically. It is because if the youth are developed, it can help them a lot in facing the future. Pieces of training like vocational training and leadership seminars are also helping the youth in realizing their full potential. Another way of empowering the youth is by involving them in every activity of the community where they belong. Let them design or develop some programs, projects, and activities in the community. This can help them also in developing themselves to their full potential. We can also provide some coaching activities to our youths from time to time, especially when it is really necessary.

Adults, government officials, and other people surrounding the youths must always remember to guide our youth. It is simply because our youth still need our help, support, and guidance all the time. We must guide them in doing what is best for them and their future. We must not teach them things that are not good or things that can destroy their future. If we like to see them develop themselves to their full potential, we need to develop them in every aspect of their lives and not teach them things that can ruin themselves and their future. Empowering our youths is developing them and preparing them for their future. Let us support youth empowerment because it is absolutely important.