Ang Congressman ba sa UNA?

“DELISTING of crooked contractors” on the go?

 How feasible is the move? Can it prosper against the interests of thousands of crooked contractors?

Could her voice not to be considered as the proverbial “voice in the wilderness”?

Lastly, could there be crooked contractors in the absence of crooked and corrupt politicians?

Short Cuts is with all admirations and appreciations on the first-termer lawmaker from the 3rd Congressional District of the province – the Honorable Alexie Tutor. She has the guts, the courage in shouting on the issue.    

The “cry” for the delisting is not only timely. It is straight to the point.

Short Cuts is of the honest belief that not one of the previous lawmakers in the province has ever touched on the issue.

A first termer and a lady lawmaker did it! Although a non-lawyer, she pushed the issue as contra distinguished from her male-lawyers-predecessors in Congress.

It is just hoped that Short Cuts’ observation on this issue does not touch the pride, the ego of the previous lawmakers.

But on the other side of the coin, can the incumbent congresswoman of the 3rd District have the nerve to unleash the issue if she herself is a ‘protector’ of these contractors?

Definitely, NOT.

For it is believed that without corrupt politicians, there can be no corrupt contractors.

Corrupt politician begets a corrupt contractor. It is, therefore, a common denominator that there can be no corrupt contractor in the absence of a corrupt politico.

For who is this politico to shout against a corrupt contractor on an unfinished project if he himself had corrupted the contractor? 

Take this specific case of the concreting project of the Provincial Road from Poblacion to Omjon, Valencia – Lapaz, Carmen, Bohol.

This was a P250 M project that was began either in the latter part of 2017 or early part of 2018.

Short Cuts knows the details of this project. He was the one who requested the 3rd Engineering District of the Department of Public Works and Highways (Guindulman) to prepare the Program of Work. After which he went to the regional office (Cebu City) of the department for endorsement.

Short Cuts was then the incumbent Vice-Governor of the province.     

After the regional office visit, Short Cuts personally went to the national office (Manila) of the department and met the then Secretary Villar.                     

After a brief discussion and consultation on the project, Short Cuts was assured with a go-signal by the secretary.

True enough, the project started months after Short Cuts’ Manila visit.

But with the approved P250 M worth of project, was the project completed as planned?

Meaning, was the concreting project from Poblacion to Omjon, Valencia and to Lapaz, Carmen, Bohol completed?     

This is the biggest issue always howling NOT ONLY on Short Cuts’ inner self. Farmhands on corn, rice, coffee, cacao, vegetables, and even the ordinary barangay folks of these affected barangays are also wondering in the non-completion of the project.


The completed concreting was short of many kilometers to Lapaz, Carmen, Bohol.

Imagine, it did not even reach Omjon and Marawis, the two farthest barangays in Valencia.   

Where could the mess occur? Is corruption the main culprit?    

Unya, kinsa may angay natong pangutan-on?

Ang contractor ba? Ang Congressman ba sa UNA? Ang Gobernador ba sa UNA? O, ang taga Engineering department ba hinoon?

May the electorates from Valencia request a favor from the incumbent Congresswoman from the 3rd Congressional District – the Hon. Alexie Tutor – to help them see and know the truth?  

Kindly, let them see the light!

To the Valencianhons, you are their light!