COVID deaths slowed to 1 in over a month: COVID GONE?

WITH only one coronavirus disease (COVID) death in a month, the health experts claims that vaccination could change the game is making a strong stand.

This as records from the Bohol Inter Agency task Force on the management of Emerging Infectious Disease (BIATF) show that since April 6, 2022, when Bohol recorded its 681 death by COVID, only one death has since been recorded to date.

Last May 23, BIATF, in its daily COVID update, ticked another death by COVID, which brought the over-all mortality in Bohol to 682.

Since then, Bohol has been COVID-19 death-free.

This too as the vaccination rollout coverage notched at 71.57%, for fully vaccinated individuals.

This is 791,600 Boholanos who have received their two or full doses of the vaccine that is believed and acclaimed as the key in keeping the number of infections and viral disease caused deaths at bay.

Moreover, 717,636 Boholanos have also received the first dose of the vaccine that is now being used to inoculate even minors, after getting approvals from the Food and Drugs Administration of the country.

The ultimate goal however is to cover as much as 80% of the eligible population to make the fatal viral disease endemic, that is by the time the entire province would have attained herd immunity.

If disease is becoming manageable and can be treated simply by local medical authorities, that would make it like any ordinary sickness.

As the numbers of affected individuals are now at manageable levels, national authorities are also looking at hospital bed utilization as well as vaccination coverage, to de-escalate the province’s status from Alert Level 2 to Alert Level 1.

As of June 2, Bohol records 4 active COVID cases: one a moderate case, three mild cases, as to the BIATF’s Emergency Operations Center, based at the Provincial vaccination Operations Center in Tagbilaran.

Of the four active cases during that day, two are confined at the hospitals, one is on home quarantine while the EOC could not obtain the where about of the other case as yet.

As of that date, 22338 or 97% of those who have been through a bout of COVID have recovered, while the remaining 3% were not lucky enough to survive before the vaccines arrived.

At the current rate of vaccination too, if the same pace persists, Bohol could take a month more to cover the 80% of its eligible individuals. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)