The Bridge Effect

IT has been a week since the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has issued that they are eyeing a new grant from China to finance a proposed bridge connecting Panglao island to Tagbilaran City. This bridge is supposedly going to cost P6.955 billion. Let us not talk about the money since it can be traced to when the project is underway. However, let us focus on the effect of this undertaking on both Panglao and Tagbilaran residents.

No questions asked that the proposed bridge will be a time- and money-saver for students and workers alike who have to traverse back-and-forth both places due to home and work. The bridge is supposed to take only 15 minutes from Tagbilaran City seaport to Panglao island instead of the usual 45 minutes! Since speed equals distance over time, the fare should also lessen due to the less space traveling from both points. The questions now are: what proper measures were undertaken to ensure the safety of the proposed bridge? Will the project be environmental-friendly? Will the bridge have entrance tolls and vehicle restrictions? What preventive measures will be implemented to ensure that traffic will be light compared to the other bridges in Tagbilaran?

Those questions should be in every mind of the residents affected, considering it will alter their way of life. Just imagine the noise pollution and garbage thrown from vehicles, to name a few, will increase within the area of the proposed bridge due to traffic. Color us a liar if at least one of these examples will not surface when the time comes. Until then, let us remain vigilant and be open to questions regardless of how profitable a project may be since everything is always subject to cause and effect. (MIDB)