The Greatest Challenge to Conquer

THIS author desires to inspire readers from beautiful experiences in life that leave beautiful imprints in the heart. A story worth telling would touch others to find the greatest love of all that many had failed to find and win a battle that only a few dared to fight.

An inspiring quote from Benjamin Franklin says that “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Thus, staying strong and keeping the strength against all obstacles would lead one to success. Sometimes in life, we face challenges and difficulties that may seem impossible. We need to learn to overcome hindrances that appear in our journey. Overcoming adversities is essential because overcoming hardships allows us to move forward in life and not be held back by the challenges we face.

            Remember that “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle,” according to Napoleon Hill. It is not merely a thing to buy…it is gained from failures; it is learned from pains and heartaches through which, from experience, you grow. It is easier said than done, but quitting will never make you wise. One’s future is shaped today, for tomorrow is never a promise.

So, today could be better from yesterday’s lessons than learning to let go of the things that hold you back. Only then is that moving on is lighter, and growth happens.

            A friend’s true-to-life testimony is soul-captivating. For long years she had lived and had balanced her time between family and career. She’s a family-oriented woman, a good mother of two, and a faithful wife. She had married a responsible man, too, and not to mention their economic status, she had everything a woman could ask for. Yet, despite all these…deep within her heart, there is emptiness she never cared to understand or chose not to watch until one day, she realized what it was all about. She can’t believe it, it’s just too magical to be true. She had never been through it before, and she said that having it felt at her age is an abnormality. The more her mind opposes, the deeper her heart rejoices at the newfound feelings she had. Only then does she find the true meaning of happiness and contentment; however, she has not lost her sanity to let it go and have it die a natural death. It’s too late … it’s too impossible to be accurate. It might be challenging to resist, but strong faith and optimism can make it happen.

            Fighting back against all odds, she kept her denial even at some points; she could nearly burst. It’s too hard to handle…emotions could be the most brutal struggle to overcome. But when there is love, “Love overcomes obstacles.” a quote from Craig Groeschel from which she held her strength to win in her battle eventually.

            There is no passing time she failed to pray to God with tears in her eyes that she would be freed from such burden. She begged Him to fulfill the hole in her heart with His presence to let her appreciate the things around her and see the best of everything. She believes that faith does matter, and in time GOD will answer her prayer. May not be in one full last, but by bits, her supplications will be granted. She finds her strength from her solitude with God every day and finds her happiness in songs. She even ventures through writings and compositions to express her mind and heart. All these made her forget the emptiness she felt. She did not allow problems to stop her. Michael Jordan said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”. This always carved a smile on her lips and started her day right.

This woman’s fighting spirit and power are extraordinary. Not all heads can control one’s heart and manage one’s feelings. Others would merely go with the current flow and commit sins they would regret. The most brutal enemy to fight is oneself, one’s feelings and desires. It is the greatest challenge to conquer, and such triumph is like a golden crown upon her head.

The author would like to close this chapter with a quote to ponder, “Most of our obstacles would melt away if instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them.” Orison Sweet Marden.