“THE longer the wait, the bigger the blessing. If God has you waiting this long, you know what He has for you is great.” This quote by an unknown author has encouraged the author to keep trying despite the numerous uncertainties that come along the way. On the verge of waiting, a blessing comes unexpectedly. With that, nothing can compare to the extreme happiness and appreciation that has filled his lowly spirit.
Sharing with us a nostalgia he said, “Looking back to the good old days before the destructing typhoon struck our place, Mayor Pablo O. Lim Memorial High School was in full bliss. We always report to work with much eagerness and anticipation despite facing the threat of Covid-19. This inspiration to keep going was drawn from our honesty in giving quality education to our learners. There may be times that we get tired of exerting the best of our efforts for the good sake of our learners, but quitting was never on our nerves. We rested and later with our repose, we get up and continue to fulfill our mission. True to our service, it can be reflected in our records that students were learning. Lesser drop-outs were documented, and the determination to learn was visible in the actions of our learners.”
Moreover, he continues, “But one ill-fated event changed the direction of time. We were on our way to enjoy the long Christmas vacation until PAG-ASA announced that a very strong typhoon was coming over the place. Since it was so many years ago that a super typhoon hit our land, we were somehow complacent. We were unprepared and we were indeterminate to know the damages that might run us in that unprecedented event. As a result, long queues of work were piling up, and problems were mounting because of the wrecks brought by the catastrophe. Exterminated roofs, shattered window glasses, decimated ceilings, uprooted trees, and loss of electricity source, to name a few, were the numbers of existing difficulties that arose after the bad hit of typhoon “Odette”. With that, we were at the brim of hopelessness and despair. Being, the school principal, I was so desperate for solutions to the many problems that our school was facing that were seemingly out of answers. There were nights of immense tears and days of staring out of the blue because of the pile-ups of worries and anxieties. But despite the surmounting apprehensions, there were portions of hopes and certainties that lived in my heart and mind. I was in high faith that stakeholders and benefactors would extend a helping hand for the school’s restorations and renovations. Taking the lead and with the help of my teachers, we moved heaven and earth in asking for help from all those whom we can call on. I was fervently praying for the positive results of all the unending efforts of my people. We were hopefully waiting, praying, and working as one”
Furthermore, he reiterated, “Until an unexpected day came. I was scanning on my Messenger account when suddenly, an unfamiliar person bubbled out. As I went through with his message, my eyes went big. I burst into joy upon reading the words, “will donate, generator set.” Right there and then, I realized that God was answering one of our prayers. We were longing for an electricity source since that is vital in the nature of our work. CitySavings Bank saved us from the brink of hopelessness. They proved to us that with God everything is possible. To this very moment, we are enjoying the blessing. This generator set is currently used for electricity-consuming activities such as printing of modules, and other essential works. We were spared lights in the dark tunnels that we are striding on and we are given hope amid uncertainties. Indeed, prayers intertwined with works can give an optimistic outcome.”
“We are truly grateful and honored to the CitySavings for making Mayor Pablo O. Lim Memorial High School one of the recipients of the generator set. I am immeasurably thankful for the blessing that was poured out to us by God through the CitySavings Bank. Words could not describe how blessed and grateful we are. Just to add up, this endeavor was made successful through the leadership of the CitySavings Bank manager himself, Mr. Ramnyl Jamil Cahati. He spearheaded this very noble undertaking. We appreciate your very kind gesture of generosity and benevolence. CitySavings Bank, please know that you are included in our prayers. May more success come as time goes along.”
“Struggle is real but so are the blessings.” This striking line from Zuri li is indeed a testimony that when we face struggles, there come also blessings, as long we persevere and pray. Favor comes to those who patiently wait. Again, thanks a million, CitySavings Bank.” as the author closes a chapter of his story.