“WHERE there is no vision, the people perish” – Proverbs
I’ve been asking a lot of people how they feel about their future with the onset of 2022 election; of which the responses were of a natural tone of uncertainty, clouds of emotion, doubt and of the unknown that obliterate the thoughts of a promising tomorrow. Positive planning of a new beginning will give you the excitement of living in today.
A wise person once said that there are three things that make for happiness in living, “Something to do, Something to love and Something to look forward to”. When we create a vision in life as most electoral candidates are doing, it gives us the energy to venture into and explore the unknown. With vision, there is a sense of urgency, a divine impatience for life.
In this world, there are also three kinds of people – those who watch things happen, those who make things happen and those who don’t know what’s happening. A person who assumes responsibility for their future is a person who makes things happen by constructive and intelligent recourse.
Our own personal mission is our overall purpose in life. Finding our unique life’s purpose will not be easy, but it will definitely be worth it. Once we have determined our mission, it will become our lamp, illuminating the road in front and helping us cut through the fog of everyday concerns and activities.
We are all motivated by the desire to make a difference, to leave a mark. That noble idea could make us commit in doing the best of our abilities – in the causes that we have espoused and in the contributions that emanated from our personal careers, professions and endeavors.
Living to a new you is like learning to walk all over again. It will put the thrill of the unknown back into your daily existence. New situations need not be approached with as threatening. Assuming responsibility for our future is setting us free to explore new things, new ideas, new situations.
Taking responsibility for our future means making commitment to it. Broken commitments in our past must not keep us from making new commitments in our future. Past failures do not mean future failures unless we failed to learn from the past. Yes, no one wants to be hurt and no one wants to fail. But the reality of life is that we will be hurt at times and we will fail at times. So, being responsible is living up to your commitments.
The future can be both a friend and an enemy. But with a clear vision and sheer determination, living up to what is good and beautiful to our brethren is the greatest gift we can give to humanity “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do”
Best of luck to all those who are seeking positions and be called servant leaders. May you live up to the expectations of your constituents and be a person of honor and integrity; and a man of action. As the cliché goes, “The voice of the people is the voice of God”. If so, let our prayer be, may the divine intervention transcends boundaries and goodness prevails.