Loay Bridge Tragedy: Many questions; few answers

Clarin Bridge at Loay, Bohol collapsed due to bridge overload. The questions now in everyone’s minds are why did it happen and who should bear responsibility for this disaster? According to news sources, Japanese engineers recommended the closure of said bridge due to failing to meet the requirements for minimum load and seismic requirements for bridges. Now that is odd. If that is the case, why were we still freely using the bridge up until its disintegration? Even after knowing that it failed its inspection, why were we still playing God with the usage of the bridge? Who turned a deaf ear to that recommendation and ordered the continued use of the failing bridge?

We cannot question the age of that bridge since it was already there even before our parents were born, in my case at least.

With the construction of the new bridge beside it, we cannot also help but question if the old bridge can be somehow affected by the hammering and throes of construction trucks everyday. Lo and behold, it did and it resulted in the loss of life of many.

If common people can question the integrity of Clarin bridge, why were the contractors complacent with its directions for traffic? Did they hire incompotent workers? Or they just did not care as long as they look like they are doing their job.

We have so many questions with still few answers. We now know why it happened. The most important question now is who should pay responsibility for this tragedy.

Let us all offer a prayer to the victims of this mishap. (MIDB)