Things To Remember On Election Day

TOMORROW, May 9, every Filipino will be making one of the most important decisions: decide whom to vote for in the election. The election is a formal and organized choice by a person’s vote for a political office or other position. It is the action of electing someone who runs for office or a place in the government.
On May 9, 2022, the national and local elections will occur. The people will be selecting or electing someone to be in our government’s national and local posts. People will be elected president, vice president, senators, congressperson, governor, vice governor, board members, mayor, vice-mayor, and municipal councilors serving them for several years.
Yes, these individuals we will vote for or select during the national and local elections will be in their posts for years. They will be in their positions for only one year but six years without re-election. Because of that, every Filipino voter must recall all the things to remember during the election tomorrow.
I agree with Bishop Alberto “Abet” S. Uy’s reminder about tomorrow’s election. Bishop Abet is currently the Bishop of the Diocese of Tagbilaran. He said voting is a God-given right, so every voter must use it wisely. According to Bishop Abet, there are 5 Cs that every voter must look for in a candidate for both national and local positions. These 5 Cs are conscience, credibility, competence, commitment, and compassion. He even discussed further what these 5 Cs are and has also given a vernacular explanation of the 5 Cs. According to him, conscience means “matarong ba ang kandidato?” credibility means “katoohan ba ang kandidato?” competence means “maantigo ba ang kandidato?” commitment means “moserbisyo ba ang kandidato?” and compassion means “maloloy-on ba ang kandidato?” These questions should be pondered by every Filipino voter during the election tomorrow.
In the election tomorrow, let us vote according to our conscience. Let us vote for the candidate worthy of being in that position in our government. The candidate whom we are going to vote for must possess the different attributes like being approachable, credible, committed, competent, compassionate, always ready to be of service to the people whatever time it could be, ethical, honest, friendly, and always thinking of the welfare of the people, kind-hearted and most of all God-fearing individual. If these characteristics are in a particular candidate, let us support and vote for them. They are worthy of being in that specific position they are running for.
Let us not vote for a candidate based only on popularity and because they give you a certain amount of money. Do not vote for the viral candidate who does not own the traits or personality of a true and good leader. Please do not vote for a candidate giving money to the people who are not worthy of being our leader. But instead, let us vote according to our conscience. Remember, they will be in their positions for six years. So, let us give our support and vote to the candidate with good traits and who is deserving to be our next leader for a couple of years. Let us put all of these in our respective hearts and minds. Let us help one another in choosing the right one. As Bishop Abet said, voting is a God-given right, so let us vote wisely and according to our conscience.
My dear friends, people of God, let us vote for the right candidate. Let us not put the future of our country and our children, including the children of our children, into the hands of a candidate who is not worthy of being our next government leader. Let us make the right decision in the national and local elections tomorrow by voting for the right candidate. Again, let us vote according to our conscience, and let us all vote wisely for a promising future for all.