Merry Christmas to one and all!

THERE was a time that I found myself right smack in the center of a political crusade – to actively support and campaign for the presidency of former Davao City Mayor Digong Duterte.

That time, there were many groups supporting the candidacy of Digong. Meetings were called by the “leaders” of the different groups.

So in one such meeting, I suggested that all the groups supporting Digong should consolidate under one umbrella and elect its chairman so the chairman will take charge of consolidating the efforts, and the meager resources, of the groups.

Nobody wanted the position.

One lady begged off because she was a candidate for city kagawad.

Another one also begged off because he was also busy with his “other” principals, for other positions.

The third one likewise begged off and countered that it might be better if I would assume the chairmanship.

So without any reluctance, I accepted the chairmanship, hopeful that it was the right move.

* * *

Take note, the earlier spoiler – meager resources – of the group.

We took shelter in one of the buildings in the city near the pier area as our HQ and posted tarps and posters on the premises of the building.

That started our campaign for donations and pledges, in cash or in kind. A water dispenser, plastic cups, coffee and biscuits and other foodies came in handy, all from benevolent citizens.

That time, ballers, shirts or stickers bearing Digong’s picture, name or credo were very popular and sold like hotcake.

Anybody who could provide donations for T-shirts and for printing was a welcome. I remember one such generous soul in Cogon Area who, in addition to the donated shirts, also donated free printing. Later, he focused on free printing only because he also had a family to attend to.

A lady MedRep from Baclayon was very active in donating white shirts for printing every time she visited the city. She was also active in scouting and later donating red ballers to Digong supporters.

Meanwhile, I noticed that the lady who begged off the chairmanship took charge of accepting, and distributing, sacks full of printed T-shirts from Davao, including bundles and bundles of ballers that arrived in our HQ.

I would later learn that these printed T-shirts and ballers were either sold or given to her supporters as part of her campaign in the city. As to the proceeds of the sale, she did not account what she did with it. I would also learn later that there was supposedly a monthly budget for the office upkeep (10K kuno per month) and a monthly allowance for 4 of us at 10K each, but never did I receive such.

Kinsa kaha ang midawat ug migasto sa mga kwarta?

* * *

That time, my position as Federated PTA President of one of the schools in the city helped a lot.

Most of the officers have their spouses working abroad and very supportive of Digong. Without hesitation, they immediately donated various amounts, which I accepted happily and spent on printed shirts and ballers, including tarps and posters.

One such official who was into transport business offered the use of his various vehicles during the miting de avance for Digong, about 7 in all.

Those vehicles came in handy every time Maribojoc Mayor Toloy Evasco asked for a car, or a pickup or a van to be used for the transport of some dignitaries or officials from the Digong campaign team.

Yes, all for free, including the fuel.

* * *

Every time we hold meeting, we alternated in spending for the snacks, simple foodies but it was enough because we were happy with what we were doing. I

One such very active personality during our meetings was Mam Divine Hocino, who never failed to share her blessings for the group.

We planned and we took actions knowing fully well that almost all of the politicians in Bohol, including the mayors were rooting for former Makati Mayor Jojo Binay.

There were only two politicians who openly declared their support for Digong – former Maribojoc Mayor Toloy Evasco and former BM Dioning Balite.

The rest of the local politikos, well, they declared full support for Binay, kay seguradong daog kuno, unya daghan siya og gisaad nga mga projects for Bohol kuno, ahemm.

Can you imagine the political scenario when practically all the mayors, board members, governor and congressmen in Bohol were for Binay and only Toloy Evasco and Dioning Balite were for Digong?

One such scenario was the regular “berdugo sa Davao” stories and other morbid stories in Davao that got printed on local tabloids and also from radio commentaries, on regular basis, all because of the overwhelming support for Binay and against Digong.

We shall continue with this in our next episode.

* * *

Many are saying mingaw man ang pasko.

Is it?

What makes it mingaw – kwarta? Bibo or sadya kon daghang kwarta?

But what if you have plenty of money but you are not well, or you are not healthy or worse, sick?

Or you have money but a member of the family is sick, or hospitalized or dying?

How about just enough money but you are healthy and so with the members of the family, will that make your pasko happy?

It should.

Merry Christmas everyone, cheers!!!