ROAD improvement in our midst?
And, who is this individual who is against the improvement of our national highways, provincial, municipal, and barangay roads?
He is against the idea because only two or three persons can benefit from the ten or twenty percent cut from the original budget?
And, he is not one of the two or three persons to enjoy?
Annual improvement of our roads whether national, provincial, municipal or barangay is indeed a welcome development in every sector of society. Short Cuts honestly believes that every citizen in the barangay feels not only excited but also happy to know that one’s road section is for improvement.
More so, if such improvement is in the form of concreting or asphalting of a road section!
But, after the improvement – whether concreting or asphalting of a road section has been done – what happens next to the road section? In most cases, does the improvement serves the purpose? Or, has the whole citizenry made use of the improvement to its fullest extent?
More often than not, this improvement – especially the concreting of the shoulder of the road – has never met nor satisfied the desires of the general populace. It failed the expectations of the general public.
Instead of the area being used as an escape by the citizenry in cases of a heavy traffic, it is a hard fact that this road section has been transformed by ignorant people residing in the area to dry palay, corn, and even copra.
A road section or shoulder of the road for palay, corn and copra drying?
For a barangay road, maybe this can be tolerated.
But, what about in the national or provincial highways? Traffic in these areas is too heavy to be ignored. Therefore, strict enforcement of traffic rules must be exercised.
This is done if only to prevent any accident.