WORDS of Christ in response to Pilate’s question, “Art thou the king of the Jews?” (Jn 18,33) That was when Christ clarified who he really was, and yet the poor Pilate and many of the Jews of that time could not get it.
These words are part of the gospel reading for the last Sunday of the liturgical year which is dedicated to Christ as King, the real King. (cfr. Jn 18,33-37) They remind us that our kingdom is not in this world. It is where Christ as our true King is—that is, in heaven from where we really originated and to where we are supposed to be destined in our definitive state of life.
These words remind us that our earthly life is a test whether what God wants us to be—that is, to be his image and likeness, sharers of his divine life and nature—is also what we ourselves would want to be. This test actually takes place every moment of our earthly life. We are made to choose whether we would like to be with God through Christ who is the “way, the truth and the life”, or to be by ourselves only.
We should always be aware of this test and should try our best to make the proper choice, avoiding getting lost and swallowed up by the drama of our life here on earth. And so, we should sharpen our awareness of the real purpose of our life here on earth as we go through the varying situations, conditions and circumstances of our life.
We should be excited and eager to reach our real destination. And reaching it should not be a problem since we have been given all the means to achieve it. What can help is that at the end of each day, we remind ourselves of the real end and purpose of our life, and then examine ourselves how we are doing to approach that end.
We should develop a keen send of the real end and purpose of our life. This is unavoidable and indispensable. Even in our ordinary affairs, we take it for granted that we ought to have some idea of the end or purpose in mind before we move.
There should be at least the sensation that we are getting nearer it, knowing that one day more or one year more in our life is actually one day less or one year less in our life too. We should just be ready since we would not know when the zero-balance of this consequential equation would take place.
To get the sensation that we are getting closer to our final destination means that we are realizing that we are becoming more and more like Christ, who is the pattern of our humanity and the savior of our damaged humanity. He should be the king, the everything for us.
Thus, we have to learn how to submit everything to him, especially our inmost self—the heart, the will and mind together with the emotions, feelings, etc. That is how we make Christ our king.
We are supposed to be ‘alter Christus,’ the goal and ideal that is meant for us, though we need also to do our part, free beings as are, to achieve that status. God, our Creator and Father, wants us to be that way, though he does not impose it on us without our consent that should also be shown with deeds and not just with intentions or words.