Kinsa man kaha?

WHAT is wrong with our tourism program?

I was asked that question recently and after pondering for a moment, my answer was while we are actively pursuing some tourism infrastructures, we are neglecting our human resource. 

Many workers in the tourism sector remain detached on the crucial role that they play when dealing with tourists, whether local or international. When dealing with their guests, many of these workers or attendants do not seem to understand that they need that “warm and welcoming” touch, in order for their guests to “really feel at home.”

And more importantly, to feel the need to return and savor once more that happy and satisfying  hospitality.

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There is one shared observation.

Many tourists spend the whole day in the province and always make sure to catch up the last trip to Cebu and spend the night there.

Why not spend the night here?

What is the reason for that?

* * *

The nefarious colorum operation is prevalent in the province.

Operators who are franchise holders are competing with their colorum counterparts. Because of the great imbalance, the franchise holders have sought the help of the LGUs, through their tourism councils.

Meetings are called, the affected parties are given time to air their sides and after that, no more.

The colorum operation continues, leaving the franchise holders helpless and hopeless too.

What is the reason for this?

In one town that I am familiar with, I learned that one of the kagawads is also the operator of the colorum unit.

Ang ending – the colorum operation continues to this day and the colorum operators are still untouchables.

* * *

True enough, the LTO in coordination with the LTFRB, enforces traffic rules. The local police can only apprehend traffic violators if they are deputized by LTO, otherwise, they cannot.

So the LGU is inutile and hopeless?



Because the local sanggunian can pass pertinent ordinances to ensure that only legitimate operators can operate public utility vehicles. They can even enact an ordinance supplementing the wearing of proper gear like protective helmets and the like.

That way, they can arrest, and possibly, impound, the vehicles as well as the erring operators.

And they don’t need to be deputized by the LTO to do just that.

Are we doing the same in the province, as well as in the towns?

* * *

Meanwhile, I am pretty certain that Governor Aris Aumentado will seek reelection in next year’s polls.

And he will have city kagawad Nick Besas as his running-mate.

Now the question – who will be his “serious” opponent for the top-most position in the province?

Is ArtYap running for governor?

I doubt it.

Is Rene Relampagos running?

Possible but my gut feel tells me he is not.

So who else from the other side of the fence?

That is the big question.

And it will possibly remain so for the coming days.

Do you know why?

Because somebody hinted that up to this time, they are still scouting for a viable candidate for governor.

* * *

I seriously doubt that Congressman Ed Chatto will leave his comfort zone in the 1st district and run for governor. The way I see it, his political machinery is well-oiled in the district, and it would be a big, and risky, gamble on his part to give all that up.

For many years, he has channeled his energy in building his political empire in the 1st district. Lisod na nga mabiyaan niya because he invested a lot in building that empire.

Given that position, who will be left to fend for the group if neither Chatto, ArtYap or Rene Relampagos is running against Gov Aris?

As I’ve said, that is the big question.

* * *

The pressure is mounting because next year’s election is a mid-term election.

As such, they have to put up a political machinery, formidable or not, for that election otherwise, they will be forgotten or written off in the 2028 presidential elections.

And that will be the end of their group.

Because of this, they need to put up a “reasonable” fight versus the political machinery of Gov Aris and Nick Besas.

Pero ang pangutana, kinsa man kaha?