MANY reasons can come to mind to answer that question. One is that Christ himself said so. When asked by Peter how many times one
Category: Opinion
“Ngano daghan molansad?”
I WAS invited to attend the Columnists Night on Wednesday in one of the plush venues in Cebu City, part of the Cebu Press Freedom
Ang Labing Malipayong Nasud Sa Kalibutan
UNSA ang nasud nga giilang labing malipayon sa tibuok kalibutan segun sa mga scientific studies? Kana mao ang Denmark. Nganong migawas man nga labing malipayon
Ta, Duwa ta!
GADUWA karon ang Tagbilaran ug Mabini sa Governor’s Cup, asa mo mo laban? Labing kasuko sa Valencia sa maong point system nga stelo sa Gov
DCCCO: global partner for sustainable development
THE Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the UN’s blueprint for a more sustainable future for all. The objective was to produce a set of universal
The Devil “Alcohol”
ALCOHOL is, as we all know, a depressant. It slows down the function of all the body’s parts. Vital functions can be slowed down to
‘Price ceiling’ sa bugas
TUNGOD sa nagkamahal nga presyo sa bugas sa kamerkaduhan, ang gobyerno nihimo og “solusyon” aron maminus-minusan ang gibug-aton sa mga konsumidor niini. Gi-isyo ni Presidente
Developing the true spirit of Christian fraternity
CHRIST describes for us what true fraternity among ourselves should be. It’s in that gospel episode were Christ told his disciples what they should do
“Kauban pero dili diay kauban”
JUST as everybody is terribly enjoying the “campaign high” following the filing of their respective COCs for the Barangay and SK Elections (BSKE), albeit doing