How much is his HONESTY?

HONESTY is the best policy!

Short Cuts have been told of this statement even during his grade school days. Not only from his teachers. This came also from his catechist lecturers.

 Foremost, Short Cuts was always reminded of this saying from his mother who was only Grade 2 and his father, a Grade 1 finisher only.

 However, when Short Cuts was attending his Sophomore class in the College of Law, another very emphatic statement came from one of Short Cuts’ professors which runs this way. . . . . .

“But, how much is his honesty?”

(Because in that particular year it was an election year. Short Cuts’ professor was referring to a candidate for congressman at that time who was touting as the most honest among the candidates.)

And, now comes this very enticing message from our brothers from The Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (CBCP),

“BE HONEST even if others are not; even if others will not; even if others cannot.”

Going by the message, everyone is advised to be honest even if he is ALONE left as an honest individual.

And, being left ALONE as an honest man, comes back the next most intriguing query, “But, how MUCH is his honesty?”

Analyzing the word “MUCH” in the statement, it connotes a corresponding amount of money involved. It denotes, therefore, that the same word – HONESTY – has a corresponding equivalent of money being involved in his brand of honesty.

This year (2022) is an election year. National candidates had begun their campaign a month ago. Their local counterparts also started their own campaign a matter of two days that passed. 

Therefore, everyone has to be reminded again of this virtue of HONESTY coming from these candidates. Especially, those who are presently occupying elective positions.

As incumbents, the political trail that they had travelled can speak of what they were.

“Waay aso nga maputos”, so goes the age-old adage.

How honest were they for the number days that they had served the people?

As an election year, everyone has to be reminded that there are two types of ambitious men wishing to occupy elective positions.

And to be reelected, too!

Those who want to genuinely and honestly serve their constituents is the first type.

These politicians are the real servants of the people. They truly recognize the fact that their being in public office is because of the people. Without them, these politicians are nothing.

Forever, the services rendered are “of the people, by the people and for the people”. They are always extra-conscious of their actions while in public office.  Their eyes and ears are for the good of the electorates. They are ever watchful of their acts.

The second type refers to the politicians who inherently consider themselves as the MASTER of the people. They are not bothered of what the people around him are saying.

Criticized or not, they do not care. What they are concerned is ONLY about their PERSONAL gains and benefits while in public office.

It is in this context that some politicos – even without OTHER sources of income while in public office- become moneyed. What was their financial standing before entering public office easily becomes a thing of the past. 

They are comforted by the idea that they can still stay in power by way of a reelection. They are relishing on the idea that they cannot be stopped in their ambition.


The huge amount of money amassed while in office is more than enough for a reelection!  

To Short Cuts, these type of ambitious people are ever present in this coming May political exercise.

Every Boholano MUST, therefore, be extra cautious in selecting his next SERVANTS in the province and all the local government units of the province.

Money from the candidates?


Therefore, what Short Cuts could only say to this query is – Amen!