. . . . by way of a provincial legislation?

AS reported in previous columns, Short Cuts had informed his readers  of his almost daily trips from his residence to his farm and school in the Municipality of Carmen.

From thereon, he proceeds to his birthplace at Valencia passing by LGU Jagna if only to visit his other school in the Municipality of Jagna.

From there, Short Cuts makes his final trip to the capital city in the afternoon of the same day.

The following day, Short Cuts has to reverse his trip.

Now taking the eastern route, he takes the mountainous Barangay Mayana road from the Poblacion of Jagna to S-Bullones in proceeding to Carmen, then back to the City of Tagbilaran.

However, for some emergency or urgent concerns Short Cuts’ trips are sometimes diverted from its usual customary route.

But, in Short Cuts’ almost daily trip, seldom does he notice a trip without any vehicular accident on the road. The incident does not only cause traffic at the roadside.

Damage to person and property becomes the order of the day. Then, the legal battle begins.

Good if the road incident is immediately controlled by kind and understanding hearts of both parties so that it will only reach the  amicable settlement stage.

But, what if arrogant minds dominate both parties of the incident?

What will happen next?

Chances are, each one of the party obliges himself to employ a legal mind in order to protect his interest.

And, for a legal mind, are his services for free?

No way, Short Cuts professionally believes!

Therefore, if only to curtail and or avoid such unnecessary  cash withdrawal from one’s pocket, what is the best option to be undertaken?

“Avoid reckless driving,” Short Cuts cautions.

But, how can reckless driving be addressed?

To Short Cuts’ mind no individual should be granted the right to own a vehicle and drive the same without having undergone a seminar on traffic rules and regulations.

Without such a seminar,  NO driver’s license should be issued.

This must be the first agendum to be undertaken.

This is in the form of a regulation. And, this may be addressed to vehicle dealers.

But, can  we do this by way of a provincial legislation?

Short Cuts honestly believes!