Empowering youth for transformative change

WITH the theme “Enabling Youth Participation, Empowering Transformative Youth Governance”, Youthlead Philippines hosted the First Bohol Youth Impact Summit on March 18 and 19, 2022, at the Panda Tea Garden Suites in Tagbilaran City. The event aimed to highlight the importance of youth development in governance, with a special look on the #AtoNiUbay Municipal Youth Development Plan.

During the said event, the eight pillars of the #AtoNiUbay youth plan were introduced to the participants. These are: Atong Kahimsog: Youth Good Health and Wellbeing; Atong Kaalam: Youth Inclusive and Quality Education; Atong Higayon: Youth Economic Empowerment; Atong Kauban: Youth Social Inclusion and Equity; Atong Panulondon: Youth Arts and Culture; Atong Kinaiyahan: Youth Sustainable Environment, Climate Action, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; Atong Duwa: Youth Sports and Development; and Atong Dilaab: Youth Governance and Institutional Development.

Besides the activities that were conducted to highlight the power of youth in making change to our society, the said event also showcased its Youth Impact Champions, in which these individuals are instrumental in helping the summit and Youthlead’s projects become possible. The Champions are Hon. Constantino Reyes (Ubay Municipal Mayor), Hon. Ron Adrian Boyonas (Ubay SK Municipal Federation President), and Hon. Erico Aristotle Aumentado (Bohol Second District Representative).

In their respective messages, the champions expressed their support for the initiatives of Youthlead Philippines in harnessing the power of the youth in effecting change to their communities. Also, they appreciated efforts from the said sector in organizing programs that will benefit not just the youth, but the public in general.

Reyes and Boyonas both highlighted the importance of youth development in the formation of policies in the Municipality of Ubay, and with the launching of #AtoNiUbay Municipal Development Plan, they are given more opportunities to be in the frontlines of development.

For his part, Cong. Aumentado stressed how giving the youth a platform would help them reach their full potential and effect change not just for themselves, but for the whole community. He also reminded them that even with the challenges and opportunities that face them, they should always choose what is right and just.

“Dili na sakto karong panahuna nga ang kabataan ipadaplin lang ngadto sa kilid. Kinahanglang mahatagan nato sila og higayon nga mapagawas ang ilang mga yangungo ug mahatagan usab kini og kasulbaran pinaagi ra usab sa ilang mga initiatives (It is not right anymore for us to put the youth in the sidelines. We should give them a chance to express their concerns and solve them through their own initiatives)”, the solon said.

Metodio Maraguinot Jr., Youthlead Philippines President, the prime mover of the summit offered his appreciation to the Youth Impact Champions for their unwavering support not just to the summit, but also to other projects of the said organization. (PR/jja)