Garcia helps voters make good decision

CONGRESSIONAL aspirant Gerardo “Gerry” Garcia, an engineer by profession, said that he wants to “help voters arrived at a good decision” this forthcoming May 9, 2022 national and local elections.

Garcia explained to BNT and BBDN in an exclusive interview on why he included in his pamphlet  circulated in second district the names and faces of Van-van Aumentado and Jaja Jumamoy, his opponents in congressional race in May  9, 2022.

When told that what he did was to give his rivals an edge over him, he retorted that his intention to print his opponents’ names and faces is for the voters “to have an option, come what may.”

In the black-and-white leaflet, Garcia’s number in the official ballot is number 3 while Aumentado’s   is one and Jumamoy, 4.

Garcia was the former provincial board member, like Jumamoy while Vanvan Aumentado is the wife of last-termer Congressman Aris Aumentado, who is challenging re-electionist Gov. Arthur Yap.

On why he runs for congressional seat in the coming elections, Garcia said it’s because of huge support shown by people of the second district, though, his candidacy “is not a political ambition” nor “an earthly reason.”

He said if ever he makes it to Congress, Garcia vowed to continue what he had started.

He cited the coliseum, CPG bridge and the Ubay airport. The first two big ticket projects he initiated while he was then BM, have been considered already by the Regional Development Council (RDC)  while he was in the provincial board.

The same is true with the CPG bridge that is intended to connect CPG island town to mainland in Ubay town, thru this bridge, the travel time will be shortened and the potential of his hometown (CPG) will hopefully be tapped for tourism purposes.

With these projects, he said, “we have to create economic activity” so it can generate jobs apparently considering the district is poorest among the three districts in the province.

He thanked Gov. Yap for pursuing the coliseum, which is already bidded out, he added.

The Ubay airport must also be tapped, but it must be improved first. (rvo)