City Traffic Enforcers equip themselves for all-weather duty

A City Traffic Management Office (CTMO) Employee (left) is being assisted by City Mayor Jane Yap as said employee wears her new raincoat during the city’s proactive initiative by the City Government of Tagbilaran to ensure the welfare of its employees. The activity, held on January 27, 2024, highlights the city’s commitment to providing necessary support and protection to its dedicated workforce.

MAYOR Jane Yap, recognizing the dedication and hard work of the Tagbilaran City Traffic Management Office (TCTMO), took a proactive step in ensuring the well-being of traffic enforcers by distributing to them, raincoats on January 27, 2024. 

The raincoat distribution, held at the TCTMO located at the old city building, was attended by Mayor Yap, who personally handed over the raincoats to the dedicated traffic management personnel.

The mayor expressed her appreciation for the essential role traffic enforcers play in maintaining order on the city’s roads.

“Rain or shine, our traffic enforcers are out there, ensuring the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of our residents. Providing them with raincoats is a small yet significant way of showing our gratitude for their hard work and dedication,” Mayor Yap remarked during the distribution event.

The raincoats, equipped with reflective materials for added visibility, are expected to enhance the safety and comfort of the traffic enforcers as they perform their duties, especially during inclement weather.

The initiative aligns with the city’s broader efforts to invest in the welfare of its personnel, recognizing the importance of their role in maintaining the city’s order and safety.

Members of the Tagbilaran City Traffic Management Office expressed their gratitude for the mayor’s thoughtful gesture, emphasizing the positive impact it will have on their ability to carry out their responsibilities effectively, regardless of weather conditions.

As the raincoats were distributed, Mayor Yap reiterated her commitment to supporting the city’s personnel and ensuring they have the necessary tools and equipment to perform their duties efficiently.

The event stands as a symbol of the city’s recognition of the vital contributions of its traffic enforcers and its dedication to fostering a safe and supportive working environment.