Mental Health Chat
(Mental Health Management Protocol)

A PERSON’S physical and mental health are equally vital to their existence. The effects of adversity and trauma, such as being subjected to abuse, violence, or other stressful situations, on mental health are being studied by researchers. ( › blog › trending-me) This is the primary justification for finding out about someone’s emotions or current situation. Ask them an open-ended question on their identity and overall well-being to get them talking. Start a discussion by relating a couple of your unusual experiences. Before you begin, be clear about what you are willing to share.

DepEd SDO Bohol has a personnel who was fortunate enough to avail a scholarship program. The program entitled Linking Standards and Quality Practice (LiSQuP) is the Philippine Normal University’s response to the call of the Department of Education to focus work on teachers and school leaders to address the growing demands to up-skill education leaders. ( PNU and DepED-NEAP collaborated to produce LiSQuP, a professional development program for 2800 teachers and school administrators. PNU is dedicated to Sulong Edukalidad through LiSQuP. Through a cyclical process, the LiSQuP Training seeks to upskill DepEd teachers, school administrators, and school supervisors. Online instruction is the method of delivering the curriculum.

        One of DepEd SDO Bohol’s scholars enrolled in Doctor of Philosophy, majoring in Counseling. Since the program started in 2021, the scholars are now in their internship program, still in a virtual manner. Thus, the scholar was able to take the lead in offering mental health webinars to students, teachers, school administrators, and even non-teaching personnel.

     The mental health webinar deals with the discussion about mental health,  and the basic concepts of mental health. The webinar talks about some of the causes of mental health issues, and some strategies that will deal with “self-care”. Some techniques on how to overcome mental health issues were also part of the two-hour activity.

The mental health webinar is offered for free. The DepEd scholars enrolled in this postgraduate course hope to sustain the program as part of their “return of investment”  to the agency that provided support in their journey to this scholarship program.