…let it begin with me.

TODAY, December 31, is the last day of the year!

It is the 365th day of the year.

So, tomorrow begins a new year.           

And, as one travels unto the next 365 days of uncertainties in his journey in life, it is but natural that he must always look back of his past.   

By doing so, one can make use of his past – whether success or failure – as his jumping point for his next 365 days of travel.

Therefore, this question can be asked:

Was my 2023 a year full of success? Or, was it a year of failures?

To Short Cuts, whether success or failure, it does not matter. What matters most is the way one treats the situation. For even in one’s failure in life, he may be able to overcome it with one’s utmost perseverance in his undertaking in achieving a successful future.

GO BEYOND, is the famous tagline that Short Cuts can offer to one experiencing a 2023 debacle in life. One must not surrender to  his failure. Instead, make his failure in life as a stepping stone for success. He must not only strive hard if only to attain improvement. His strong  determination for success is the primordial drive.

Similarly, however, the same tagline can also be utilized for a 2023 successful individual in his drive for another year of progress.

As the saying goes, “no one is contented with what he has“.

It is further believed and could easily be observed right in one’s neighborhood that even how one is successful in his career and undertaking, he continues to work hard for the further improvement of his family.

Therefore, we strongly join hands in celebrating this Christmas and incoming 2024 New Year, the hopes and aspirations for a very peaceful barangay, municipality, province, and country.

Foremost, peace must reign the whole universe.   Because as the song goes, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”

If peace really begins within you in the family, could there be trouble in our West Philippine Sea, in Ukraine, and in the Gaza?