“Total Solidarity”

WHAT a lively atmosphere and a world of joy if one’s life is always guided by the following group of words on customer satisfaction!:

“Customers don’t look for you. Go, look for your customers. Sales create customers. Service keeps them.”

Short Cuts encountered this very meaningful sentences when he attended a conference in Quezon City years back when he was still serving a political position in the province.

Simplifying the saying in order to be easily understood, it goes this way . . . . People, even neighbors, and even relatives are not close to each other. In the same way that In a class of thirty students, the degree of closeness to each other is not the same.

Take the case in a club or organization, is the degree of closeness to every member the same?

No, way!

How about brothers and sisters in a family, is their closeness  to one another of the same degree?

Repeat, NO WAY!

Of course, there maybe some exceptions! But the exceptions are very rare to be seen and felt.

Much more if the two or three are not neighbors, or are not related by blood. 

And, because customers don’t look for you, what course of action will you take?

Because they do not look for you, then look for them.  

So, “Go, look for your customers”.

That’s a mandate!

As a person looking for your customer or friend, what will you do?   

Then, the third sentence comes in . . . .  “Sales create customers”

In this way, treat yourself as  the sales, the “baligya”.

And, as the “baligya”, what will you do?

Be friendly, accommodating and smiling to everyone. Treat everyone as if he or she is your brother or sister. If possible let one’s problem be your problem. Let your neighbors feel that you are as friendly as they are to you. 

And the last sentence seems to be more emhatic and thought provoking, in saying “Service keeps them.”

          To make the relationship more lasting and endearing to everyone, service to one another, in any form or aspect, should not only be a must. But it must be in a form of a Heavenly obligation for everyone to follow and undertake.

In that way, service to everyone becomes the primary duty to follow and persevere.

The four sentences on Customer Satisfaction are firmly concluded in saying that if those things are religiously and firmly followed with “Absolute Honesty” and “Maximum Efficiency”, then “Total Solidarity” can be attained and achieved for everyone to enjoy and be proud of. Then, what follows next is a very wonderful world to live in!