Unraveling the Artistic Hiatus: Nurturing Bohol’s Creative Soul

THIS article delves into the pressing issue of the two-month hiatus that has befallen the vibrant artistic landscape of Bohol. The cultural heartbeat of our province, pulsating with the rhythmic dance of the seven arts, has been momentarily muted (I mean the real programs independent of a festival) because of the Sandugo Festival. Here, we shall explore the path towards structural changes, paving the way for a future where art and culture gracefully entwine, undisturbed by the undertow of tourism.

In the Embrace of Hiatus: A Momentary Silence in Bohol’s Art Scene

Picture, if you will, the vivid canvas of Bohol’s cultural heritage, interwoven with the vibrant strokes of visual arts, the enchanting melody of music, the graceful dance of movement, and the profound narratives of theater and literature. This harmonious tapestry, however, faced an unexpected intermission, an unwelcome two-month hiatus that has left artists and cultural enthusiasts yearning for the revival of creativity’s flow.

The reason behind this artistic hibernation is the limited capacity of the Center for Culture and the Arts Development (CCAD), a vital entity within the provincial government, serving as the focal office for the Sandugo festival. In this dual role, it also shoulders the responsibility of being the secretariat of the esteemed Bohol Art and Cultural Heritage (BACH) Council. This overlapping has inadvertently led to a momentary cessation of art programs, leaving many to question whether the sanctity of culture and art must be compromised for the sake of tourism pursuits.

The Dance of Change: Seamlessly Uniting Art, Culture, and Tourism

To emerge from this hiatus with a renewed sense of purpose, Bohol must embark on a journey of structural changes within the CCAD. Instead of viewing the festival and the BACH council as adversaries, we must embrace a holistic approach where art, culture, and tourism are gracefully united, complementing one another in a symphony of creativity.

We must become fervent advocates of the idea that cultural and artistic pursuits are the lifeblood of Bohol’s identity, transcending mere instruments of tourism programs. Let us envision a Bohol where art thrives independently, and culture becomes the guiding force that enriches the experiences of tourists and locals alike.

Structural Changes: Preparing for an Artistic Renaissance

  1. Harmonizing Roles: The CCAD should create distinct divisions, each focused on its unique mission. A dedicated team shall oversee the preparations and implementation of the Sandugo festival, while another team collaborates closely with the BACH council to nurture and promote the diverse artistic endeavors of the province.
  2. Cultivating Autonomy: Empower the BACH council with the autonomy it deserves, granting it the authority and resources needed to curate and orchestrate art programs, independent of bureaucratic entanglements. This will foster an environment where artistic creativity can flourish without interruption. How can a legislated body ensure the fulfilment of its mandate if it does not have access to its resources and has to go through CCAD?
  3. Cultural Collaborations: Encourage robust collaborations between the CCAD, BACH council, local artists, and cultural experts. These partnerships shall act as a creative cauldron, where ideas are exchanged, innovations take root, and cultural heritage is celebrated.
  4. Emphasizing Education: Prioritize art education and awareness programs across the province. By nurturing a generation with an inherent appreciation for their heritage, we ensure that the flame of creativity burns bright, transcending generations.

Reviving Bohol’s Artistic Symphony

In conclusion, let us rise above the silence of the hiatus, rekindling the artistic symphony that resonates deep within Bohol’s soul. We call upon Governor Aris Aumentado and the esteemed decision-makers of the province to embrace these structural changes, unleashing a renaissance that celebrates art, culture, and heritage. Through this harmonious dance, Bohol shall flourish as an enchanting destination, where the spirit of creativity thrives, unhindered by the sands of time and the trials of tourism. Let us be steadfast in our commitment to preserving the sanctity of art and culture—the timeless soul of Bohol.