Refugee’s plight (Reprint)

Last October 2022, our government (Philippines received a request from the United States to temporarily host the Afghans. These refugees are collateral repercussions of US’ war against Afghanistan.

Ever since the US and allied forces pulled out of Afghanistan in 2021 to end America’s longest war, launched after the September 11, 2001 attacks, tens of thousands of Afghans have had already fled their country in the chaotic evacuation of August 2021, especially those who had worked with the United States during the war. They have long sought for resettlement under a special immigrant visa programme, in the US.

However, thousands are yet transfered, waiting for their visas to be processed. It is for such reason that the US government, requests the Philippines to aid by temporarily accepting the refugees.

Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez said under the proposal, Afghans who had worked for the US government would be issued special immigration visas to be processed at a facility in the Philippines.

A schedule of Senate hearings for Friday noted that the Foreign Relations committee would discuss “proposed temporary housing” in the country for Afghan applicants.

Though there are plenty who seem to oppose the idea of accepting the refugees, even for a temporary time, it looks like the Congress, in its discussion, is willing to accept them.

As a citizen, we would gladly accept them with open arms. Provided, the Congress have a good plan in handling such situation.

It is the most humane thing to do, after all. (AJDB)