OPV, PHO continues its vaccination
drive for Bohol municipal workers

THE Office of the Provincial Veterinarian (OPV) and the Provincial Health Office (PHO) held an anti-rabies vaccination drive for municipal workers, continuing last year’s vaccination program in November 2022.

38 municipal personnel, composed of dogcatchers, livestock agriculturists, artificial insemination technicians, and Bohol Association of Livestock Aides members (BALA), received their first dose of Verorab vaccines on May 15, 2023, at the New Capitol Building Lobby in Tagbilaran City. This activity is part of the Provincial Government of Bohol’s advocacy against rabies due to reports of increased animal bite incidents last year, roughly 16,425 cases, for the whole Province.

OPV and PHO focused on vaccinating animal-related occupations in conducting the activity due to being considered high-risk occupations for contracting rabies.

“Prevention is always better than cure. These workers are likely to contract rabies due to the nature of their work. So, it’s better to mobilize them in getting vaccinated,” PHO’s NTP and Rabies coordinator Polizena Rances said.

Rances advised the municipal workers to get their vaccinations yearly and encouraged the public to report any incident involving animal bites to the nearest animal bites center in their area and get vaccinated immediately to avoid contracting rabies. She added that rabies, although fatal, is preventable through vaccination and prompt appropriate medical care.

The activity’s participants will come back on May 22, 2023, at the same venue for their second dose of the Anti-rabies vaccine. (PIMO/GMC)