Talks on establishing soils laboratory
resume in the agriculture committee

THE Sanggguniang Panlalawigan (SP) of Bohol, headed by Vice Governor Dionisio Victor Balite, with Board Member Lucille Lagunay, Vice Chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture, led the meeting in revising the proposed Provincial Ordinance No. 009-2012 entitled, “Establishing a Soil and Water Laboratory Center in the Province of Bohol and Prescribing the Rates of the Services it Provides”. The meeting was held on May 12, 2023, at the SP Conference Room.

The proposed project is a partnership of the Provincial Government of Bohol through the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist with Bohol Island State University (BISU) – Bilar as a preparation for the Provincial-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension System (PAFES) through Executive Order No. 138-2021. The project will create coordination with agricultural development offices and various associations in conducting works, programs, and projects in the province to sustainably improve and maintain the fertility of the soil while optimizing crop production.

Highlights of the discussion include the finalization of the ordinance title, which overviews the technical functions of the program components. Currently, the proposed services include laboratory, Oil Survey, Soil and Water Conservation, Agricultural Land Management and Evaluation, Soil and Water Resources Research, and Geomatics and Soil Information Technology. The committee also tackled the manpower requirements and the prescribed rates for the services.

Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA) Executive Assistant Ricardo Oblena proposed setting affordable laboratory rates for Boholano farmers. Further, BISU-Bilar Campus Director Representative, Imelida Torrefranca suggested a 50% discount on rates for students who need it for academic purposes in exchange for a copy of the dissertation that shall be archived in an e-library. It was also proposed that students who will use the laboratory for free shall serve as on-the-job trainees following the supposed charges. BM Lagunay added to the provision of possible future partnerships, funding, and investments from the private sector.

The committee plans another meeting for possible development changes to the drafted ordinance. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is also being planned to further strengthen the collaboration among the involved offices. (PIMO/JSS)