Mobile BEST Series kicks off in Tubigon

THE Provincial Government of Bohol kicked off the Basic Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Transformation (BEST) Series: Great Food Parks in Bohol at Bazak Food Park in Tubigon.

On April 26, 2023, the Bohol Economic Development and Investment Promotion Office (BEDIPO) jumpstarted the mobile program to support Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through the provision of information and skills needed to establish and develop their business.

This is an innovation to further promote Business Information and Advocacy as one of BEDIPO’s primary mandates, aligned with the province’s strategic agenda of fostering a business-enabling environment. The mobile BEST series expands its reach to start-up Food Parks around Bohol intending to develop further the food business industry and hopefully transform food parks into tourist destinations.

BEDIPO head Maria Fe Dominise with Ligaya Castillo and Tamara Ansley Raut along with Yoradyl Israel of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Bohol shared inputs and learning sessions to existing and potential entrepreneurs on different topics related to business establishment and operation.

The administration, stall owners, staff, and crew of Bazak Food Park also participated in the first of a series of activities under the program. (PIMO/LMS)