. . . there is only ONE WINNER in an election . . . .

FOR the last few weeks, killings and ambushes of local officials seem to be the order of the day in almost all regions in the country.

This has been reported both in national print media and TV stations.

And the parties involved?

Either of these kind of politicos: the incumbents or the vanquished individuals. They may not be the direct perpetrators of the crime.

For the vanquished politicians, they want a come-back to his former post as a former incumbent. But for the incumbents, they want to stay in his elective post until the term has been exhausted.    

But, whether a vanquished or incumbent politicians they are the masterminds of the crime. They do the plan to be executed. In both cases, they may hire criminals to do the actual job. And, they only watch and observe how things were done, whether the same was done in accordance with the plan.  

The motive of these killings and ambushes?

These politicos want to perpetuate in power!

They want to remain in power despite the already dwindling support from the electorates. For they are of the firm belief that once out of the political arena, growth KUNOHAY in the community that they serve can no longer be attained.  

And worse, his personal growth can be stunted! His pocket will always become empty.

Caused maybe by the foregoing views and attitudes of these set of politicos, their minds are predominated with a lust to be always at the helm of power in every election day. “By all means, I must win in this election”, a candidate may silently shout to the whole world.

As a result, all means to win the elections are employed by some candidates. Even in an off-election period and if only to prepare for the next elections, incumbents or those already in office are busy preparing for the next political exercise totally disregarding of their duties as elected officials..

By what way?

In extreme cases, they try to dismantle their political opponents. Either by murdering or killing their political rivals.

And, this is not a monopoly of those already in power. This can also be exercised by losers in a previous elections.      

It could be gleaned, therefore, that ONLY personal interest is in the inner self of these politicos. And, NOT service to the citizenry that catapulted them to power.   

They forgot that as provided in the Highest Law of the land, “Public Office is a Public Trust.”

Short Cuts, as a retired politico, has this advice to politicians, both incumbents and the vanquished: There is only ONE WINNER in an election and the rest are losers. If you are not prepared for this, PLEASE do not ever enter such a political cauldron.