Smoking Is A Big No!

PLENTY of teenagers are into smoking cigarettes nowadays. Wherever we go, we can see teenagers who are into smoking cigarettes. They are still engaging in cigarette smoking even though they know already that smoking cigarette is not beneficial to their bodies. They are already addicted to smoking cigarettes and it is hard for them to quit. They are slowly becoming dependent on smoking cigarettes.

Smoking cigarettes is dangerous to one’s health, especially to smokers and those who can inhale the smoke of cigarettes. Thus, it is not advisable to smoke cigarettes. Once a person smokes cigarettes, it will damage their health and well-being. That is why one must not engage in smoking cigarettes because it does not have any benefits to the body. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to one’s health.

When nicotine enters one’s bloodstream, it increases the pulse and blood pressure of a person. The sense of smell is also reduced. Because nicotine is a stimulant, the brain will release feel-good chemicals or will make the smokers want to eat. When the smoker does not satisfy the urge, they will feel anxious and irritable ( What Happens to Your Body, When You Take a Puff of a Cigarette, March 17, 2023 ).

Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ( COPD ), which include emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatism and arthritis (Health Effects, Smoking, and Tobacco Use, March 17, 2023).

Smoking cigarettes can have many adverse effects on a person’s body. Some of these can lead to life-threatening complications. Smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of dying from all causes, not just linked to tobacco use. Smoking can affect the different systems in one’s body such as the respiratory system, circulatory system, and reproductive system. So, it is not advisable to engage in smoking cigarettes because it does not give any benefits to a person’s body.

Everyone, especially teenagers must realize that smoking cigarettes is bad for them. Those who are already into smoking cigarettes must stop so that they will not experience the different life-threatening effects of smoking cigarettes. If they want to be healthy, they must stop engaging in smoking cigarettes as early as possible. Their different body organs and systems will greatly be affected by their engagement or addiction to smoking cigarettes.

If a person wants to have a healthier and longer life, they must not engage in smoking cigarettes. Instead, they can engage in different healthy activities like doing some exercises and other physical activities. They can also eat fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food. They can also drink healthy drinks and other beverages rather than drinking alcoholic beverages. Smoking cigarettes is not a healthy activity to engage in if ever a person wants to have a healthier and longer life. Smoking cigarettes instead can make one’s life unhealthy and short. So, do not engage in smoking cigarettes since it is dangerous to one’s health and well-being.

Smoking cigarettes must be avoided by everyone since it is bad for our bodies. If ever you have not tried smoking cigarettes, please do not try it or do not ever engage in smoking cigarettes. If you are already engaging in smoking cigarettes, please try to slowly stop since it is not giving any good effects. So, quit smoking if you want to be active and healthy as well.