‘Sandugo’ here and now

IN Bohol, March 16, 2023, marked the 458th year celebrating the friendship and unity between the natives led by Datu Sikatuna and the Spaniards led by General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.

The celebration is popularly known as the “Sandugo,” a Visayan word that means “one blood.”

The Sandugo is depicted in both the provincial flag and the official seal of the government in Bohol. It also features the image of the blood compact. The top of the seal explains the history behind the Sandugo event that occurred in Bohol, the fleet and the location where the Spaniards anchored, and the place where the treaty was conducted which was dated on March 16, 1565.

Bohol’s mayor, Hon. Jane Yap said that the commemoration of the historic event “is a timely reminder for us that friendship and unity can be forged despite differences in languages, race, and religion.”

“The blood compact monument is a testament to this alliance, and forms part of our heritage and character as Boholanos,” Yap said in her message.

Legazpi-Sikatuna Blood Compact

In Spanish, its Sandugo Pacto de Sangre. According to historical literature, the blood compact between the Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna, the chieftain of Bohol on March 16, 1565, was carried out to seal their friendship as part of the tribal tradition.

This is considered the first treaty of friendship between the Spaniards and Filipinos.

Friendships and alliances today

At present, we no longer do blood compacts. Friendships, alliances, and treaties are consummated on paper with the names of the people involved in the ink.

Why do nations and organizations have these treaties? These agreements? These alliances? They want to be unified.

Whether one is just thinking of self-interest or considering the welfare of the whole world, it is always important to achieve unity.

Unity is vital because it provides strength, power, and courage. When people come together, they can achieve more than they could individually.

Unity is often seen in the workplace, where team members work together to complete a task. It is also seen in local communities where people come together to help each other.

The phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” is a common expression that highlights the importance of unity. In business, companies grow and expand when team members work together. Similarly, animals work together, such as dolphins helping each other when one gets hurt.

In the Bible

The Bible instructs us to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. For there is one body, and one Spirit even as we are called in one hope of our calling.  One Lord, one Faith, and one Baptism. One God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in us all (Ephesians 4:3-6).

A ’Sandugo’ today

In this age and time, we don’t need to carry out blood compacts with people we want to be united with. It isn’t necessary to have that blood trickle down our arms so that we can accomplish harmony.

Today, we can be “one blood” with other nations, with other people, with our friends and family members, without the blood compact similar to what Datu Sikatuna and Gen. Legazpi did in 1565.

We just need to be truthfully compassionate towards our fellow men. We just need to have that desire to serve other people in need. We just need to follow through with our dreams and aspirations of being good to humanity and nature. And we just need to ACT NOW before it’s too late.

No ‘blood compacts.’ Just a pure heart and hands ready to serve.