They were all silent!

FOR almost a month already, both print and broadcast media have been plagued with issues on hazing involving fraternities in different colleges and universities in the country.

These issues are worsened considering the fact that death of an applicant to a fraternity resulted while undergoing the process.

And, this is not only the first, second, or third incidents that death came about after a hazing process. Reports of death had been made almost every year after such incidents.

To Short Cuts’ mind, therefore, these queries can be asked:

First, can one be a fraternity member without the benefit of undergoing any hazing?

Second, why is physical hazing with the use of a paddle to strike the applicant a pre requisite in becoming a BROD in a fraternity?                      

Third, is becoming a BROD in a fraternity of a tertiary school a requisite before one graduates a college course? 

Fourth, is becoming a fraternity member the first requisite before one enrolls in a college course?

To Short Cuts, the first two queries can be discussed altogether.

The story goes this way . . . .

Short Cuts was then entering his fourth year in his college work in the early ‘60s. As a former Battalion Commander during his secondary days, he was interested to take the Two-Year Advanced ROTC Course. And true enough, he took the Advanced course in ROTC.

After two weeks of training in the Advanced ROTC Course, Short Cuts was assigned as Company Commander of Bravo Company. Later on, Short Cuts, together with his co-advanced cadets, was informed by his senior officers that as Advanced ROTC cadet, he must be a member of a fraternity of all Advanced ROTC cadets serving the ROTC Unit.

The fraternity was named INVICTUS BLADE Fraternity and the same fraternity of ROTC officers had already existed for years in that same unit.

Ignorant about fraternities during those days, Short Cuts was only observing how things were going. He never knew about hazing at that time.

That’s why when varied questions were asked on Short Cuts, he just answered those that could be answered and say “I don’t know” on those beyond his knowledge.

And, the last leg of the hazing process was announced. Accordingly, it was to be done after our classes at 8:30 in the evening.

Short Cuts, as an interested cadet officer, attended with six (6) other Advanced ROTC cadet officers.

Being the shortest in height of all the Advanced ROTC cadet officers, he was supposed to be the last to undergo the hazing on that particular evening.

When the 4th and 5th Advanced ROTC cadet officers were undergoing with their hazing process, Short Cuts could hear their cries of pain. As a consequence, he had to verify from his fellow Advanced ROTC cadet officers the reason of the cries.

Not one ever dared to answer Short Cuts query.

They were all silent!

Sensing that those Advanced ROTC cadet officers undergoing the hazing process were maltreated, Short Cuts left the group and told the Corps Commander of the ROTC Unit that he is relinquishing his post as Company Commander and stop the course.

However, two days after the incident, Short Cuts was called by the Corps Commander of the ROTC Unit and was told to go on with the course and still be a member of the fraternity even without undergoing the final phase of the hazing process.

But, he was advised not to squeal on anything that he heard and experienced. 

Now on the last two queries . . . . .

And, these queries can simply be answered: Tertiary institutions do not require students to become a BROD in a fraternity.

This is not even a pre requisite in enrolling in any college education.

With the foregoing statements, why bother yourselves to be in a fraternity?

Why not go instead to religious organizations or fraternities, like the Student Catholic Action? Will this type of organizations not propel you to a bright future?