“Woman, What  Went Wrong?”

IT has been a while since I last tracked your progress. You have grown so much, without me realizing it. You grew up before my eyes and I am elated to have seen such progress. It is a wonderful change, but it is quite scary. I am scared for you. I am scared of what the world can do to you. What journey will you be taking? Which path are you heading? Will you be okay? Are you ready? Will you ever be prepared for the journey?

I know you are. With everything that you have gone through in life, I am happy to see you spread your wings and fly.Woman, what about you? Are you ready to go out there and fly?

Sweet lady, be brave. This world is already hard in itself and scary things are to be expected, but I know you can do it.

As we celebrate Women’s Month, allow me to share 5 tips on how to become a better woman and fix what society thinks is wrong.

1. Be Kind.

I know the world is cruel, but you don’t have to be. You can be different. Spread kindness like wildfire and leave a legacy.

2. Be Brave.

Never be afraid to fight – be a good fighter. More than anything, don’t just fight for yourself, also fight for others. You may not win all the battles you will be fighting, just fight anyways.

3. Love Deeply.

Love is only worth it when it is real. Your heart may have been broken for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean you should stop loving. Heal first and spread love again. Love, it’s always worth the wait.

4. Know Your Worth.

Never settle for second best. Do not let anyone define your worth. Your own self should be your standards and God is your only judge. Chase for your dreams and work hard for it, because you deserve what you desire.

5. Trust God.

Always remember that He is the Supreme Being. He is compassionate and trustworthy. He has plans for you and it is beautiful. Talk to Him and seek for His advice. Lean on Him and let Him answer your questions. Allow Him to wipe your tears when the burden gets too heavy. Conquer your fears with His hand in yours.Always choose you. If you have to choose someone else, let it be Him. It may be hard to go through the battleground, but if you have His hand in yours, nothing can go wrong.

Woman, with Him, nothing is wrong.