Counseling Referral

REASON for Counseling or Referral

The mother of Student 005 takes his son to a test and referral for the incident that happened when her son was a victim of bullying in the school. His son came home crying because he was bullied and do not want to attend his classes anymore.

Relevant Background Information

Student 005 is the eldest among the three siblings in the family. His father is a seafarer and his mother is a DepEd personnel working at the schools’ division office. Student 005, as the eldest received the best care and attention from his parents though his father is overseas, constantly connecting and communicating through messenger chat. He is a very active learner in school fully supported by her mother in all school activities.

Evaluation Procedures

As a guidance counselor, I have to assess the feelings of the learner who has been bullied. Raised by a loving family, it is really difficult for a child to experience being bullied by another student. It is best to conduct an informal face-to-face interview with Student 005. There is a need to ask the student about the details that went along with the bullying experience.

Behavioral Observations

It was observed during the assessment activity, that Student 005 is a happy child, and he felt bad about his bullying experience, The behavior of the child shows that he is not expecting other learners, especially in his school managed by respected personalities in the city, and a school with a good reputation in the community would have learners who will be bullying other students. This is the reason why he does not want to attend classes anymore. He wanted to transfer to another school and does not want to see this classmate of his in his entire life. He kept on crying while the assessment was going on.

Assessment Results and Their Interpretation

A written report was prepared by the guidance counselor. Based on the observations made by her, there is a need to have a heart-to-heart talk with the learner who bullied Student 005. There is a need for proper closure to what happened. The GC provided a schedule for the conference with the teacher adviser of the two learners with their parents or guardians. Though the incidence would greatly affect Student 005, there is also a need to take into consideration the side of the learner who bullied Student 005.


The GC should furnish a copy of the assessment activity for the next step to undertake. The proposed conversation with both learners with their parents or guardians will surely affect the learners’ emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual growth. This should be undertaken properly to produce positive results for both learners, the one bullied and the one who is a bully. This should be handled by a trained individual in guidance and counseling.

 Summary Each individual has unique characteristics. It can not be denied that though learners are raised by parents and guardians that are full of values and attitudes worthy of emulation, there are other factors to be considered in the growth and development of these young learners. As much as possible, open communication is necessary. Schools need to be trained or registered guidance counselors to provide professional help for learners needing assistance to avoid greater problems in the future.