Courtesy resignation!

The Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government took center stage last week for having issued a Courtesy Resignation Order to all high ranking officials of the Philippine National Police. This was done in order to cleanse the department of drug related cases.

Having served for quite a number of years as a local official in his hometown, he may have observed some members of the police force who are closely linked with drug cases.

Or, they themselves as users or pushers. Short Cuts hopes the other way around. As peace officers, they are expected to perform their respective duties with utmost diligence and honesty as mandated by law.   

However, the same order drew varied reactions not only from the public as a whole. It also touched the main stem of his department.

Maybe worried that one’s courtesy resignation is accepted by the appointing official, many were reluctant to submit the paper.

But, why worry if one is truly free from drug cases? Can he not rely on the merits of his personal record?

This is also Short Cuts’ worry.

What if in the deliberation of a certain courtesy resignation, personalities are one of the points in the agenda? So that even how innocent a peace officer is, he can be delisted as member of the police force because of personal reasons.

So, if only to avert such a situation, the Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government is called upon to be cautious in doing the investigation. Guidelines must be drawn. Due process should be the main agenda.

Personalities, grudges and hatreds must be erased from the minds of the investigating official. Professionalism must be the order of the day.

It is only then that the call for Courtesy Resignation of high ranking officials in the department can be considered as effective and straight to the point.

And as a successful procedure undertaken by the appointing officer, the same can be made as a concrete sample that could be undertaken by other departments of our national government in its future drive for a better and effective government.

But what if . . . . . in appointing someone in government service, a corresponding Courtesy Resignation is also required to be submitted by the newly appointed official?

Is this suggestion not a fast and easy way in cleansing government service from corrupt and irresponsible officials?

Short Cuts is only asking!       

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Yesterday –  January 21 –  a Saturday, was the Feast of Senor Santo Nino. The Parish Pastoral Council scheduled a nine-day novena that scheduled all the thirty-five barangays and different families in the Local Government Unit to lead the activities.   

And not to be outdone, the newly-installed local government officials of Valencia did their share. Different organizations in the municipality were tasked to present their respective nightly affair.       

Though it was not a competition, they seem to outdo each other!

All of these were done because of our beloved Patron Saint, Senor Santo Nino.

To one and all, PIT SENYOR!